View Full Version : Suffering from depression for 9 years

07-04-12, 23:31
Hi all,
I am a newbie and this is my 2nd post. I apologise if this is the wrong forum, but I didn't know where else I could put this
I suffer from depression and have been for 9 years. As you can appericate, due to my condition it's not easy explaining yourself as finding the right words to say is difficult.

I also suffer from alcohol dependence. I really don't know if the alcohol has caused the depression, or whether i drink because i'm depressed.

I don't drink everyday, but up until a few weeks ago I was drinking about 35-40 units per week. I decided to go cold turkey. Ever since, I have been suffering from terrible anxiety and my heart has been racing. I have also been feeling cold.

My doc prescribed me chlordiazepoxide but that made me feel even worse. I got extermley agitated and hostile. He then prescribed me flupentixol (which is rarely prescribed apparently). I started craving fatty and sweet foods (swiss rolls, cakes, chocolates) which I hadn't before I started taking it. I took it for a few days then stopped, and unsurprisingly the cravings have stopped.

However, the panic like symptoms returned today, and I had 2 cans of Fosters and that calmed me down.

I really do not want to drink alcohol just to calm me down because ideally I do want to stop as it is messing up my health. I also suffer from high blood pressure (due to the alcohol i believe but i am also under emotional stress too and my doc said that could also be a factor).

I have read that propopanol (sp) is good drug to take based on my symptoms. Do you think my GP should/will prescribe it to me?
I should add that I have been prescribed every single SSRI, SNRI, TCA there is and I still havent found any relief

Your feedback will be much appreciated