View Full Version : Very dark stool this morning!

08-04-12, 01:04
Yesterday, I had about 4 cups of chocolate ice cream (which was somehow dark in color) with lots of mini Hershey's kisses. I had broccoli for dinner too.

This morning, I went to the toilet to see my stool very very dark. I honestly do not know if it can qualify as black or just very very dark brown. :weep: The consistency of the stool was more or less formed. Not the wet-like stool.

I think that was the first time I saw my poop that dark. I just recovered from a month of on and off loose stools. For the past 3 weeks, my stools have been "normal" until this morning. :weep:

I don't think I have any other unusual symptoms that can be associated with my stomach issues.

What could this be? :weep:

08-04-12, 01:19
As long as it is not black then any colour is ok to be honest

08-04-12, 01:24
Thanks nicola, but I really do not know if my stool was black or just very dark brown. I had to look twice and I still don't know :(

08-04-12, 01:28
I wouldn't worry too much if it was a one-off. Just check next time lol

Mine change colour all the time from brown through to yellowy/orange

08-04-12, 10:33
Mine change colour all the time.

I suffer from IBS and when I am constipated they can be very dark when I get over being constipated.

Everyones stools change colour.

08-04-12, 11:05
thank you nicola and hypo.

to be honest, i haven't looked at my poo since it started to become "normal" until today. i feel anxious whenever i look at my poo because i overanalyze stuff.
this morning was just a random day to look at the toilet after doing my business.

could the chocolate ice cream cause the change in color as well?

and if i had any bad condition that goes along with this dark stool, should i feel other unusual symptoms as well such as vomiting blood, constant stomach ache, irregular BMs?

i feel fine really. i just had a bad day looking at the toilet today. :(

08-04-12, 13:12
I don't think dark stools as a one off is a bad sign unless you also have blood in it. I am not a doctor but I think you would have other signs.

We can all examine are stuff and see things.

Yesterday I was examining my toilet roll for signs of blood and I truly believed that there was blood, I was convinced. Dh bless his heart, checked for me and said it was nothing, nothing there at all. After I had calmed down I looked again and he was right. Our brains can make us imagine a lot. Im not saying that it wasn't darker, but when you start to examine things you see things. You have probably had darker stools plenty of times in your life but you just haven't noticed it before.

What you eat will change the colour of it. If you have been constipated or not been for a few days that can also be darker as it is older poo.

As someone who has IBS I feel confident telling you that this is ok.

08-04-12, 15:42
Thank you again Hypo. Yeah, having HA makes us extra geniuses for overanalyzing certain things about our body. I really hate this :(

By the way, I just came from the toilet again. Stool's consistency was formed again. Some of the stool pieces were yellow brown in color while there was a huge chunk of stool (sorry TMI!) that was rather green and dark green. Again, the very dark green part is making me qualify it as black stool (the tip of the stool was somewhat very dark!). Ugh!

I tried wiping my bottom with toilet paper and what I only saw were yellow brownish stuff.

What is happening to me? :(