View Full Version : Dry Mouth (Cit 20 mg)

08-04-12, 07:11
Does anyone else get a really dry mouth 1st thing in a morning after taking cit 20mg at night...........

Thanks Folks

08-04-12, 10:55
Hiya Chrissie,

I take mine in the morning but always have a dry mouth upon waking since taking them, I keep a bottle of water next to the bed and have a swig as soon as I wake. Hope this helps. Take care.


08-04-12, 12:20
Hi Chrissie

I find I generally need to drink more and usually wake up thirsty; not dry mouth specifically, but I guess related. I take the tabs in the evening. Many on here think better to take in morning at first, but I think I'm now getting used to it, so will stick with it.

How long you been taking the cit?


angel wings
08-04-12, 12:24

I get a dry mouth i find chewing gum helps :)

08-04-12, 13:06
I get dry mouth on all meds some worse than others


09-04-12, 15:44
I used to get a REALLY dry mouth on these. Now my 3rd time on them in 15 years and I've got the opposite! A very "juicy" mouth all the time! lol

The dry mouth used to be crippling the first 6 months I took them. I've no idea why it's different now though. :whistles: