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08-04-12, 08:37
well today is the day that i am finally going to do it i can not go on anotyer day with all this d/p and now is the time to do it i have had this 3 years now im getting no help the dr dosent seem to care ive become a burden on my family and also myself thaks for all the advice you have given me but im to tired to go on another day thank you to all the people who have tried to help bye.

08-04-12, 12:11

I just read your post now, Please don't do anything to yourself to harm you. I've got DP at the minute and it's horrible but don't give in to it you can battle on through and fight it. Go to A & E now and explain your situation they will help you as sounds like your GP isn't helping you whatsoever. You are not a burden you are a human being in need of help so tell yourself this an get to that hospital ASAP. Let me know you are ok as really worried for you.


08-04-12, 13:13
Think of your family and friends and what effect this would have on them
Mick is right, either go to A&E or call an ambulance


08-04-12, 16:07

Mick and Joy are absolutely right. Please don't do anything hasty. Ring someone for a chat - the Samaritans if friends aren't an option. Go to A and E if things are really bad and you can't hang on until the doctor's opens on Tuesday.

As clichéd as this might sound, there is nothing that can't be sorted out and there's always a way through. So many of us have felt like we're in the depths of despair but we've battled on and things have got better.

Please let us know how you are.

Take care

Pip xxx

08-04-12, 17:04
thanks to the peopkle who replied you are right why should i let this beat me ive had this for three years so i will not let it beat me thanks for all the things you people said to me in brought me to my senses thanks once again i will cary on

08-04-12, 17:16

I'm so pleased you can see that you can't let anxiety beat you. I was worried about you when I read your post.

I've suffered from anxiety for a very long time and will never give up fighting it. I've won many battles but the war rages on but it's no surrender from me. There's always something to look forward to - it's just very hard to see it sometimes. Keep posting on here and share with us how you feel, if it helps. We understand better than most having been through some terrible times ourselves.

Take care

Pip xxx

08-04-12, 19:29

Glad you are ok I really worried earlier when I saw your post. If you ever feel that way again feel free to message me or talk to someone close to you. DP is a war with many battles to be fought before you can claim victory once and for all.

Never give in, the fight inside you will be the thing that sees you through these dark times and remain positive even when your thoughts are telling you not to. It's a vicious cycle this thinking game but know within yourself that you can get back to how you were before this happened, it will take time and it will be hard but know you can do it.

Try and get some help along the way from your GP if he's no good then change to a new one who will make sure that you receive the help you need. Stay strong and fight on.

Hope you feel better soon and like I said message anytime.

Take care,
