View Full Version : What are these trance like things about?

01-07-06, 20:31

I had my weekly counselling session yesterday and I mentioned that I often go into this kind of trance where I just switch off and stare. I'd always associated these with being tired but she asked when I learned how to do it.

I thought back and I'm sure I used to do it as a child. I hadn't really thought much about it but they seem to be more frequent lately. I don't think I do it intentionally - it just happens. I do it quite a lot when I'm driving. I fix my stare on the car in front and I know I'm in it but it's really hard to pull out of it.

I actually quite enjoy them if I'm at home - it seems to cut my thoughts off completely and I can just think about nothing.

Is this something to do with anxiety? Does anyone else have these?


01-07-06, 20:58
Hi Rachel, i can sometimes do that and just focus on something 'away with the fairies' my family call it. I have always done it and i haven't always been anxious.

Take care

'This too will pass'

02-07-06, 00:15
hi scatty i have these 'trance' like situations almost everyday...i struggle to pull myself out of them...but mine also happen when driving...maybe because of the almost automatic nature of driving.

02-07-06, 00:41
I have these trance like states aswell,infact i think most people do have them but some experience them more often than others (!!??)

I've always had them but since suffering with anxiety they've been more frequent!...maybe its because i also quite like them as they take me away from it all!!

Take care xx :D

02-07-06, 01:47
I have them very frequently too...but they SCARE ME! They don't take my anxiety away, they enhance it!!!! Once Im in trance I worry why Im in trance!!!!! Worry always override my rational thinking and can worry for days WHY I get into trance-like states :(

Sorry Scatty-cat I know it didn't help you :(

" The solution to a problem is right through it..."

polly daydream
02-07-06, 18:03
Hi, I quite often get these trances while talking to people, they are talking away and I can't even here what they are saying, if that makes sense.

Best wishes,


03-07-06, 09:01

i get them alot when driving, i sometimes have to try really hard not to though coz i worry thta im not concentrating on the road,

leanne xx