View Full Version : So scared

08-04-12, 13:59
Yesterday I slept for like 4 hours during the day, I didn't do anything yesterday but lay in bed all day.
I might of even slept more then 4 hours.
And I slept through out the night good as well.
And last night I slept good too.
And right now I feel like I could sleep more!
This isn't normal for me.
I usually wake up through out the night a bunch o times.
And I usually am never this tired,
I'm worried there is something wrong with me.
Why am
I do sleepy all of a sudden?
Also from all the sleep I have a huge headache.
I've been taking Zoloft for a month as well.

Why am I so tired all of a sudden?

08-04-12, 14:46

I'm sitting here thinking the exact same thing....I'm always tired! I sleep for a good amount of hours at night and I can easily have a nap in the day...( to be fair I have two young kids) but ever since the anxiety thing started I have noticed how more tired I actually am.

I think anxiety def works the body out...even if we havnt had a panic attack as such I think as we are still anxious our body's are going that little bit harder than it should hence why we feel more tired.

Have you ever noticed after a panic attack all you want to do is sleep?

I get headaches also, it could be the medication though...one of those lovely little side effects.

I'm pretty sure your ok Hun....don't panic yourself about what it may be/what you may have.....

Have you had any colds or anything recently? A night out within the last week?
