View Full Version : How to stop anxiety?

08-04-12, 18:08
I am really fed up with it now, never used to be an anxious person, but find myself getting worked up over the most stupid things!!

IE: I am a delivery driver and believe it or not the sound of some peoples door bells makes me anxious!!

Its seems every little thing that isnt just quite right gets to me.


08-04-12, 18:25
Oh dear, poor you :ohmy: anxiety is a pain in the butt isn't it? I also have this problem with noises and sounds that annoy me....the ticking clock, the dripping tap, the phone ringing, the door bell, that diesel engine running outside, traffic, voices babbling together in the shops, the hoover and I just can't stand the TV up loud....ooh the list could go on & on!!

I hope you are getting some help with your anxiety, but sometimes just knowing you are not alone helps. And hey, get some of those foam ear plugs....they're great, wouldn't be without mine!!

Take care, Kitti :)