View Full Version : Unexpected Visitors

08-04-12, 18:22
Is it just me but when your feeling like this - don't you just hate people popping in to see how you are - especially unexpected.

Normally it wouldn't bother me - but really you can't be bothered with idle chit chat can you - especially when they haven't a clue.

Normally I take much pride in my appearance - hair and make up, etc, tidy house, but oh the legging, long cardy, lost woman of borneo hair!

Can anyone else relate to this or is it just me!

Moaning Minnie (Laura)

08-04-12, 18:24
Not a Moaning Minnie at all.

I hate people coming round un-announced, although tbh not to keen on people coming round any time lol.

You will get there honey so dont worry about it, nice that they cared enough to pop round.


08-04-12, 18:25
I know Elen do sound ungrateful don't I but .....

08-04-12, 18:27
Hey that was not a criticism at all honey.

It is early days yet but from what you have posted on various threads you sound as though you are definately on the right track.

Baby steps Laura and you will get there.


08-04-12, 18:30
I know it wasn't Elen but I do sound like a female Victor Meldrew lol

08-04-12, 18:30
Oh Laura, know the feeling well hun.....frightens the life out of me if there's an un-expected knock at the door...and I just can't be doing with the idle chit-chat and fake smiles....when all I wan't is to be left alone without folk invading my safe place.

Totally with you on this one :) Kitti xx

angel wings
08-04-12, 18:33
laura it happens to me all the time i have a large family and they are always popping in for tea always un announced with all the kids and i find it really hard sometimes cause i dont seem to get a minutes peace sometimes i dont feel like the house is mine, as ive always got people coming round i didnt used to mind but now i hate it and cant wait for people to go,
so can relate to how you feel xxx :hugs:

08-04-12, 18:54
Im exactly the same hun, my sister in law popped round unannounced not long ago and i went into panic mode, fake smile, trying to chat when i can feel my voice quivering, and im the same my hairs just tied up no make up on, house not up to my usual clean standard, i find it so sad as my house has always been an open house to anyone where nobody needs to knock they just walk in but now my door is permently locked! X x

08-04-12, 22:13
I can relate, I dont really like seeing people in general or chatting and the thought of meeting up with people drives me crazy, even very close friends or people I've not seen in years, its stressful. I would just not answer the door!