View Full Version : do your own eply maneuvor??

08-04-12, 20:27
hi everyone,

ive had this for 3 years now but im really struggling today with my lightheadedness, just now, going through to make a cup of tea, while looking down stirring the cup i feel like im on a boat, swaying from side to side slightly and have the ever present feeling that the room is very very slowly moving round, other way i can describe it is like being on a very slow moving roundabout. Or if youve had a lot of alcohol one night and when u wake up you have the slight room spinning feeling of still being a bit drunk. (ps i dont drink!!)
so it was mentioned to me it might be BPV and ive been looking it up online, most things say to get the eply maneuvor done......there are tutorials on utube but im scared to do it incase i do myself some harm

anyone done this themselves at home??
did it work?
can i make myself have BPV by doing this at home if i dont have it?

im just so desperate now, this is taking over my life and its now affecting how my days unfold, i fear i will just eventually stop going out coz of it.
Can someone please advise me on what to do!

09-04-12, 09:14
woke again today feeling like I had the spin that comes with a hangover (I'm sober!) it's just that ever so slight movement. grrrrr I hate this so much!!!!

09-04-12, 15:43
In answer to the question about doing this at home, yes, I have done this for a friend. We did it on her kitchen table after watching a number of video clips on Youtube. BUT (and this is important) it was a manoeuvre she'd previously had done because her balance problem was due to something specific which was diagnosed after a lot of tests and treatments. When she last had it done she was told it would be possible to do the same privately or to get someone to help do it, which is why we tried it. I certainly wouldn't recommend it based only on self diagnosis, and not before it was done professionally first to make sure it works.