View Full Version : Need a coping method

08-04-12, 21:04
I everyone. This may sound silly to a lot of people but I need some information to help me as this situation is ruling me.

When I was young, around 5 or 6 we moved to a new village. Across the road was a family who had teenage kids who all sat out in the street in a gang drinking etc constantly. My dad looked a bit different, he wore a skip cap and tweed suit ( he was quite old fashioned) and they took to calling him Popeye because of his hat. They would wait for him to get off the bus from work and shout at him. This led to one night them knocking the door and running away. I remember I was in bed ill the night it started and from then on it happened EVERY night for a year or so. My parents were frequently verbally harassed and I was on some parts bullied.

My parents split up when I was 9, and my dad died when I was 12. After we left the street nothing evermore happened.

I am now 23 and could up until recently look back on that time and feel fine about it.

Recently, myself and my partner and our one year old moved to a village just up from where I grew up. We live in an upper flat with a buzzer entrance. On a few occasions the girl across the street (she's 13/14) has rang it and ran away. She gets the little boy who lives next door to her to do it who is 6, another time a 4 year old and once herself. One time my bf was hanging a blind and they rang it and ran away when he could see them. I just get cheek from her if I go out.

Any normal person would just see this as kids pranking. Me, I freak out. I'm constantly on edge all the time. If I hear kids out in the street I panic, I constantly check out the window, but at the same time I try not to be seen as this has triggered her doing it a couple of times. I feel like I am being victimised personally and it is making my paranoia levels rise to levels that I feel everyone in this village hates me. I think all the kids are gonna gang up and make my life hell.

My boyfriend can't understand why I am so worked up about it but I am constantly anxious about the situation. I feel sick, shaky, it's affecting my daily life and I actually feel depressed. I love my flat. The area is quiet but this one girl is ruining everything for me. When I see her I freak out. Can anyone please help me as I don't know what to do!

08-04-12, 21:55
Have you ever called the Police to report it? Also most councils have an Anti social behaviour team who you can get in contact with and report these sort of neighbour issues!! Do you have any neighbourhood wardens or street wardens in your area that you could ring and call out and speak with the youths parente etc??

I deal with these type of issues for my job!! Feel free to PM if you need any help with this? You shouldnt have to put up and live like this!! It can be easily solved if you know where to contact!!

Kendra x