View Full Version : i want to ask for help

09-04-12, 08:25
I know I need help. But every time I start to reach for it I feel guilty. I don't want to intrude or be in the way. I feel like I am too concerned about what others think and feel that I forget that I think and feel too.

09-04-12, 09:36
Hi there,

Go for it and ask for help. I'm similar to you but feel that there are times when we all need support, be it from friends, family or doctors. Don't feel like you're putting people out - they'll soon tell you if they feel they can't deal with what you're telling them.

I always feel that we're doing people more of a disservice by not explaining how we feel, especially friends and family. By keeping things to ourselves, we're effectively shutting them out of a big part of our lives and I think that's worse than feeling we're burdening them.

Take care

Pip xxx

09-04-12, 09:41
There's nothing wrong with asking for help....you are a human being. We all need help at points in our life.

GP's, Councellors etc etc...that's what they are here for! You wouldn't be doing yourself or anybody else harm by getting the help you need. I used to be petrified of doctors dentists etc etc but I'm at the GP all the time now, I've just booked my first dentist appointment in 15 years....(I know theres going to be a lot of work to do as well)

There's a point in your life where your going to think, you know what my health is more I portent that my dignity in a sense. If your unhappy and feel like you need the support then take it...

There's no reason for feeling guilty.


09-04-12, 09:42
Why should you not ask for it , if you need help think of yourself for a change you deserve too , it's not easy but be brave .
Good luck you can always pm if you
Need a chat xxx

Zoe Xx

09-04-12, 16:07
Hello there,

Its a positive thing that you recognise that you need to ask for help and shouldnt beat yourself up about it.

You sound like you are always busy thinking of others and then when it comes to you you feel guilty...well dont...you dont need to...ask away.

As others have said there are people out there that are willing to help but cant do so if you dont let them know you need it.

Go for it...it will change everything!!

Take care of you

09-04-12, 17:22

I know how you feel with this, ironically the people I feel most guilty about asking for support from are my employers - they should be the ones I'm least bothered about!

However, consider the same thing from another view point - is it any good for your loved ones, your doctor or your employers for you to feel as bad as you do? ... the answer must be "NO" ... so it would actually be better for them if you DID get the help that you DESERVE!

Here is definitely a good place to start.


12-04-12, 14:52
The guilt is part of the illness. What you probably most need is denied by yourself - a kind of self hard.
Just do it - ask for help- with someone you feel comfortable with. It doesn't have to be someone you know.