View Full Version : Woken with chest pain and tight throat

09-04-12, 09:50
Last night I went to bed fine and carm but at sometime in the night I woke with chest pain and tight throat (like someone had been sitting on my chest with thier hands around my throat) after awhile the feeling past but has left me shook up abit.

My chest has a feels tender to touch across the chest under the breast area.

I am use to chest ache and pains have had them for years now as i suffer from GERD which is very under control now and also an other condition which causes chest pain.

I am male 40 and on pregabalin for my anxiety/gad.

Any ideas what my next port of call should be or was it just in my head my doctors must be fed-up with me.

09-04-12, 10:21
It's panic.

It's the classic signs of panic. I too wake up with the same symptoms.

It's scary but it isn't going to harm you. I wake up with that every morning and every time I think I'm dying. But I'm still here :)

09-04-12, 10:54
It's panic.

It's the classic signs of panic. I too wake up with the same symptoms.

It's scary but it isn't going to harm you. I wake up with that every morning and every time I think I'm dying. But I'm still here :)

Thanks Hypo, I should guess because I am still here to type this it was a panic attack of sorts, It just shook me up as I have been roughtly painc free for about 3 months just some small anxiety issuses.

But as with most people on here my heart is a major concern for me.


09-04-12, 11:12
Anxiety sucks. We worry about things then we end up with some of the symptoms so it's a vicious cycle.

I often get heart palps, and when I'm anxious about dying it just magnifies the fear.

I thought I had throat cancer (which amazingly disappeared for a while yesterday) and I got the typical tight throat which worried me even more.

I often say to myself that if I can post on a message board then I'm in no immediate danger of dying lol Sometimes it helps, sometimes it doesn't, but I'm trying to see the humour in my thinking hoping that it will help me.

I hope your morning gets better. No wonder it shook you up if you haven't had a panic attack in that long.

09-04-12, 14:52
This is a classic symptom of anxiety and something that I have been dealing with for the last six months. I am better now but I still wake up every single morning feeling like there's an elephant sitting on my chest. If I get stressed or start worrying about anything, I feel short of breath and it's because the muscles in my chest are tense and tight. Even though I am well aware of this, it still happens. The chance of this being heart related is very small, particularly if you are someone that is prone to anxiety/panic/stress/fear.

09-04-12, 15:24
Hi sebinkent, sorry to hear you have been dealing with this problem for 6 months. I used to have panic attacks before sleep and during about 3 years ago and that was a constant thing for around 6 months.
I would wake at night feeling like i was having a stroke my left side was numb and then i would start to panic and then it was a circle of dreading going to bed and it happening again (and it did for around the 6 month mark).

I just hope it is not going to start again.

Thanks for your positive line "The chance of this being heart related is very small, particularly if you are someone that is prone to anxiety/panic/stress/fear. "

09-04-12, 16:13
I have read a lot of stories on here about people waking in the night feeling anxious/panicky and also waking in the morning feeling it despite having quite a good night's sleep. It proves that we can still be anxious and stressed even when we are asleep. Stress hormones are apparently at their highest in the morning too as well as the psychological factor (thoughts like 'can I face another day or get through another day feeling anxious?' or 'what if something terrible happens to me today?') these negative thoughts and 'what if' thoughts become automatic. This is why I find it difficult to get over it, even though I am slowly getting better..