View Full Version : Bit of a bad patch.

09-04-12, 10:03
Having a bit of a bad patch, had anxiety probs for years but have managed (just).

Feeling now that I'm not managing and very on edge. Just wanted to hear someon say it will be ok, sorry to sound so needy. Feel better through the day but it's hard work and could do with a bit of encouragement.

Just someone saying hello would be nice.

09-04-12, 10:10
Hi there,

As you said, you've managed before and I have no doubt that you'll continue to manage.

Sometimes we all need a bit of reassurance so don't worry about appearing needy. I come on here when things are bad and I always get support. That's why I also come here when I'm feeling better so that I can give something back to those who need it.

You really will be ok.

Take care

Pip x

09-04-12, 14:47
I'm going through a bad patch as well. It's exhausting trying to keep afloat for days on end when we're feeling on the edge, but we will get through it! It's going to get better.

Have you had any therapy or tried any medication?

09-04-12, 15:02
Hi Narrowboater :welcome: you have certainly found the right place!

I am too going through a bad patch - like many of us on here - you get good, constructive advice - Swapping ideas, etc,

Anxiety is horrid and so misunderstood in the medical profession - may I ask if you are on any meds? I have not been well since end of Oct - but have had anxiety a long time but always seemed to manage and come through it - Dr Claire Weekes books are brilliant (on Amazon)

I had this sort of thing happen to me 15 years ago and it went away with the correct meds. Just trying to find the right ones this time but :mad: it hasn't gone to plan!

You will get loads of advice and tips.

Take care Laura

09-04-12, 17:01
Hi Narrowboater,
Sorry you are having a bad patch atm....I think we all go through ups & downs with anxiety, sometimes you have to wonder...will I ever be free of this? I also believe being here and realising you are not alone is somewhat comforting in itself. Blips are normal, they just get you down big time.

Sending you :hugs: to let you know you are not alone...

Take care, Kitti :) x

10-04-12, 14:18
Hello Narrowboater,

I totally feel where you're coming from. and am sending you a hug.

Am now on 11 tablets per day and getting CBT, and yet still can't get rid of the anxiety or the outright panic, it's utterly exhausting.

It feels like too much to bear sometimes, but I keep going. My hopes aren't too high at present though.

10-04-12, 14:32
Hi Narrowboater, things will be better we all have bad patches and we have to be strong to overcome them, we never know what the future holds for us, and we all worry about if this and if that. live for today, forget the past, stay positive and your be fine :yesyes:

11-04-12, 14:33
I think its positive and should be reassuring that you are reaching out to us here on the forum. I can't speak for everyone but it should be fair to say like yourself... and me... and many on this forum... we have been through these hard parts ... but look ahead cause life is always changing and soon things will get better. Things will get better. If I can offer some advice that has helped me through the hard points... listen to some music you enjoy. I hope you are feeling better really soon.:winks:Regards, Michael45