View Full Version : Ultrasound worries

09-04-12, 11:52
Hey guys,

Just been for an abdominal ultrasound......and they found something on my gallbladder!!!!!! me being me asked what it was, she said could be a polyp , doesn't look like a stone she added..... then i asked if it it could be a tumour/cancer and she said she really couldn't say....really wished i hadn't asked, don't know how i'm going to cope until consultant appointment comes through, anxiety has kicked in bigtime , my mind is in overdrive :( cant eat and am literally shaking plus hubby is going mad at me saying im always thinking the worst cant help it im just one of these but what if people .......am also really trying not to google , has anyone had anything like this on their gallbladder and came out fine on the other side xx just really scared im going to die from this

miss sparkle
09-04-12, 14:38
hi, i don't really know what to say, but i can understand your upset.
i don't know much about galbladders, but i am pretty sure they can be removed?
what did you have the ultrasound for?

09-04-12, 15:06
Thanks for replying...... i had it done for upper stomach pain which can only be described as bad hunger / gripping pains , this comes in bouts where i won't get symptoms for months and then it comes back with a vengeance, ive had this for a while now first started bout 4 years ago and had endoscopy which was clear.....just scared in case its something cancerous , feeling really sick at the moment but am putting this down to worrying bout everything . One good thing is my liver etc was clear just my gallbladder where the problem is showing at the moment and did ask her if it was really big and she no, so taking this as a wee bit good news just really dont know what to think , just really scared by everything x

09-04-12, 15:32
Hi Kitti ,
So feel for you worrying .....it is awful and has you climbing the walls . Just if you can focus on the facts though.
You have had this pain on and off for 4 years and I would defo imagine that if it was cancer more symptoms would have arisen . polyps are fairly common I have been told [read somewhere that 4% of the population have them ].
Your liver scan is fine . And you are not jaundiced or bloated .
Have you had bloods done recently ?
sweetheart I do think you would have more symptoms :hugs:
Have to put in the obligatory I am no doctor sentence of course .........go see your gp tomorrow and see if he can get appt quicker for you with consultant or get results from pc.

Sending huge hugs and please try not to fret .........you are young and the polyp seems far more likely .
Health fears are bloody awful to bear ...........distract if you can and take care


09-04-12, 15:57
Thanks for that....definately not jaundiced,and was just the gallbladder that was area of concern also not been sick or anything etc not had bloods done as of yet , is the doctor able to get results from pc didnt know that.... they told me to make appointment for 7 to 10 days, will be asking him for something to take the edge of this worry though......just want to get things sorted out asap....feeling a bit nauseated and really tired today but think its just the worrying im doing x

09-04-12, 16:43
I don't think you need to worry. Anything that comes and goes like that would not be very serious, more of an annoyance. I actually have something similar, upper abdominal discomfort - like a gnawing/hunger pain that comes every several months and stays for some days and then goes away. This time I took omezaprole which got rid of it in one dose so assume its acid related. Still, I had a total panic reaction and assumed it is something awful (even though I never have before)

Anyway, I don't think you should worry.

09-04-12, 18:39
Hi Kitty
I had my gallbladder removed almost 3 yrs ago, I had small stones but lots of 'sludge' (broken up stones) that gave me awful pain in bouts just like you. So try not to worry, go see your GP about getting the appt bought forward to ease your mind.

Trish x

09-04-12, 18:49
Thanks Trish, definately going to do that as this worry is awful and its only day 1 :O xx

10-04-12, 14:13
Okay did the big no no and googled advanced gallbladder cancer and i have some of these symptoms not all the time but on and off like upper back pain,dark urine, indigestion, wind am now convinced the skin on my upper eyelid is yellowish looking......am really worried didn't sleep a wink last night cant eat either, how do i get through this i just cant explain to you how worried i am its off the scale , i need help :(