View Full Version : A week of citlopam

09-04-12, 15:11
I've been on it since last Monday, this morning I went to feed the horses and I thought about riding... and I didn't feel sick!

Still a bit worried about other things but not feeling as bad as I did yesterday or Saturday.

I feel like a bit of progress has been made? Not gone by any stretch but not the huge crashing weight that was on my shoulders yesterday.

I feel I should be doing more to help myself though, I think CBT would be a good way to go but is this something available though the NHS? Should I seek out private CBT? Are there any good resources to read?

09-04-12, 15:20
That's great news SunnyDay, you will find as time goes on and you settle on the medication, things will gradually improve.

As for CBT it is fantastic you are considering what else you can do to help yourself. So many of us kind of just rely on tablets, but really these can often only help us so far, the rest (and the root of our issues) often needs other things.

CBT can be arranged via your GP but I understand there are waiting times on the NHS. Privately is an option but obviously this will cost money. Finally, you can self help through a number of good CBT courses in book or web form. If you speak to your GP they often can refer you to an assessment team which will go through various options with you. They did this with me and gave me some suggested websites and reading, though I no longer can find the list they gave me, sorry :)

09-04-12, 15:20
Hi there

Glad you are having a fairly good starting week with Citalopram - in answer to you question CBT is available on the NHS but very long waiting lists. I think people have used the Anxiety UK site to find a private therapist in your area.

I live in Cambridgeshire and have been appalled by the level of care in this section (mental health) having to go private and the psychiatrist I will be seeing does CBT too - but at a price!

Good luck


09-04-12, 15:46
Just wanted to echo what's been said about CBT on the NHS - it is available, but a wait is likely.

Also wanted to suggest a couple of CBT-based books, both by a pioneer of the therapy - 'When Panic Attacks' and 'The Feeling Good Handbook' by David Burns. The latter is sometimes 'prescribed' to people.

Glad to hear things are looking up :)