View Full Version : Anyone struggling with the humidity ?

02-07-06, 11:13

I live down in Devon where the heat and humidity is horrendous at the moment. We had terrific storms last night and I hoped it would clear the air but its worse this morning.

Always feel like I can't get enough breath in and am dizzy and clammy all the time which is making my anxiety horrendous.

Find myself looking at the weather forecast all the time praying for some clear air !

Does anyone else feel like this ?

Love N Light

KatieS xx

02-07-06, 11:39
I think many of us do, me included.

I suppose we just have to brave the storm so to speak...

Take plenty of water and shade. My PC generates extra heat and it doesn't help being situated upstairs either.

Take care,


And when you get the choice to sit it out or dance, I hope you dance.
~Mark Sanders and Tia Sillers

02-07-06, 12:20
I was just logging on to the forum to ask the same question. I am really struggling at the moment. Yesterday I lay with a wet flannel on my forehead in the afternoon. To-day I don't feel much better. My husband has just gone to buy me an electric fan to see if that helps.

50 something so hormones not helping. Feel quite tearful to-day.

Jenny xxxx

02-07-06, 12:25
I must be in minority as I like the heat and it is just about right for me. I would be at the beach if I could stop feeling anxious long enough to leave my flat [Duh!].

Hope the fan helps a bit.


Happiness is not a state to arrive at but a manner of travelling.

You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough ~ Christine Cagney, Cagney & Lacey

02-07-06, 12:25
i hate this heat! it doesn't help that it causes my son asthma and hayfever and i worry about him all the time anyway.

02-07-06, 12:26
Hi Katie

I know how you feel - I really hate the heat and humidity. I got to bed last night and it was so hot. I could feel the anxiety building up and I had to really fight to keep it under control.

I spend most of the summer indoors with the fan on. I find that damping myself down with cold water helps.

Roll on autumn


Will Loynes
02-07-06, 12:31
Hi Katie,
I totally agree, I do like warm spring weather but hot humid weather causes hovoc with my anxiety.
I start work at 2pm today in a DVD shop, working under hot lights with nothing but a fan to move the warm air around. Im dreading it.
Please, let us have some nice cool rain!!

Take care


polly daydream
02-07-06, 12:55
Hi, I not keen on the heat either, it causes my anxiety levels to go through the roof.

Best wishes,


02-07-06, 13:12
I love the heat but after a while it makes me breathless and feeling faint.
maybe a fan would help along with plenty of fluids.

Take care



02-07-06, 13:25
Wow - when I posted my bit about HEATWAVE and read my replies I was happy others feel the same as I seem to do nothing but moan - I am such a wuss!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Jenny - I do feel ill as well - I am menopausal and hyperventilate and am asthmatic so know how you feel - anyhow - I saw the weather and they reckon 33 in south of england this week - I may have to call off sick at work coz on my feet all day in stuffy shop with no air or air con unbearable tho I did pay for a fan for my counter top out of my own money!!!!!!!!!! Still feel weak,dizzy,faint and breathless!!! Love wenjoy x

02-07-06, 16:10
I slept downstairs on the settee last night as it was too hot and I am not even leaving the house today as it is way too warm out there for me!


02-07-06, 16:56

I too ended up on the sofa last night as it was far too hot and over indulgence from bbq.

We've been out to a Steam Rally today and we were all niggly at each other as it was far too hot for the little one and the eldest son was in a wingey mood, and OH was getting stressed over them too - which he could have done with out.

Phew - is it like this tomorrow too?



02-07-06, 17:06
is absolutely chucking it down here now! thunder and lightening too!
i even saw some hailstone, how does that figure.. weird!!

02-07-06, 19:19
Yes I also hate the humidity, It wasn't really that sunny here today but it was really warm and humid, I found it hard to get a breath to be honest, Luckly I have an inhaler which helps a bit, cooling down nicely now but

Two heads
02-07-06, 19:49
The sun makes me feel better< but i do find i can be more breathless!!xx

02-07-06, 20:44
Hi Katie.

I know what you mean. Gosh its so hot here! My clothes actually stuck to me today! It is really hot! lol. I prefer the winter in some ways, much cooler.

x x

02-07-06, 21:22
Thank-god i'm not the only one!!! I can't stand this humidity, It was lovely last week, it was sunny but plesant and not with this horrible humidity! I've been dizzy for two days now and feel completely detached from everything around me. I can't wait for it to cool down.
i'm such a moan but this just isn't enjoyable one bit!![Sigh...]


02-07-06, 21:27
I'm lucky, hubby got an air conditioning unit and that's in the lounge, it is bearable in there but upstairs is way too hot! Got a fan that helps, I hate humidity. I may just have to resort to sitting and driving in the car all the time with the sir con on just to keep cool.

Take care

'This too will pass'

03-07-06, 04:54
Sounds like me. I live in Queensland Australia so you can imagine what summer's like here

Don't believe everything you think.

03-07-06, 09:56
i struggle in this heat-work in a care home so on the go all the time and heat does not agree with residents either. makes me feel panicky because i can't get cool, makes me feel out of control, can't sleep, so go round in circles!

04-07-06, 21:50
Hi Katie.

I so understand how you feel. I hate it to.

I've been sleeping with the fan on in my bedroom all night. I woke up last night and I turned the fan of cause i thought i'd be ok. I felt like I couldn't breath. I was so panicky. Was horrid.

It's not much better in Devon tonight huh!

Take Care,

Love Pip's X X X X

04-07-06, 22:06
Yes Katie, really struggling...

My symptoms include: not being able to sleep, headaches and constant dizziness.

Oh, the joys of summer! LOL [8D]

Hope you feel better soon

april tones
04-07-06, 23:28
Hi katie sweet!!
sorry your feeling off!
i have had feelings of panic since the humidity and hot wheather started
it is horrible! vicuous cycle
its been 32 here most days
tmw wil be 28 x

fibrochat) http://apriltones.proboards54.com

05-07-06, 00:08
Hi Guys
I saw England on Tv last night and it looks like you guys are really suffering.
Hope it doesn't mean we're gonna get another hot one down here.
The Xmas before last we had 44 here and I sat in front of the air conditioner hoping the power held up

Don't believe everything you think.

05-07-06, 00:22

I been struggling today also,be glad when it cools down, cant sleep at night because im so warm, which makes me tierd through the day and when i am tierd my anxiety is alot worse.



05-07-06, 02:05
Can't sleep with the heat and it makes me feel a bit faint

05-07-06, 07:32
Hi guys
Me too - just walked the dog at 6am inb ournemouth as its so muggy and I felt faint but its the only time of day we can walk her before it gets too hot. the sky is cloudy and heavy heavy so I pray for a thunderstorm so my dizzy muggy headache and sick feeling and asthma gets better!!! xx

05-07-06, 11:01
yep,me too guys,i loathe this weather,i get headaches and dizzy so then i panic,i am dreadin my electric bill what with al the fans i got going!!Sposed to be goin to a concert toni,hope i cope ok with theheat!love mary-rose.xxxxxxxxxx

we are all in the same boat and can guide each other ashore

05-07-06, 11:23
Yes, the heat bothers me too. I've been much more anxious and tense and it does make me feel like I can't get enough air to breathe. It's also making me feel sooo tired.

I do like it to be sunny and warm, it's just too much though at the moment.

Heather x

05-07-06, 18:10
Me too - despite all the rain today it is even more humid if thats possible. Good luck at the concernt tonight mary rose
who are you seeing?? Enjoy it anyhow and it will all be fine.
Take care love wenjoy xx

Two heads
05-07-06, 18:48
Weather is much cooler today thankgod!I known how you all feel about not being able to breath its horrible.I have been more breathless in the last couple of days.Today is just right xx

05-07-06, 20:35
I found it totally unbearable today and it's still boiling here.


"Everybody's changing and I don't feel the same"

06-07-06, 07:37
Hi Guys
well weve had 2 days of heavy rain but no thunder and although its cooler its more humid so my asthma is bad - work yesterday was a nightmare - nearly passed out and felt icky all day!! wenjoy x