View Full Version : Motivation

09-04-12, 16:26
I have none! I have lots to do but all I want to do is sit on the internet all day, I love forums, ebay and facebook!

Does anyone else have a similar issue? Is it anxiety related or am I just lazy?

09-04-12, 16:30
Well speaking personally, I know that the net keeps me distracted when I feel anxious.. It's better than the TV for that purpose :)

10-04-12, 16:49
I'm like this too but I don't know if I'm just a technology geek haha!

paula lynne
10-04-12, 16:58
Speaking from personal experience, being able to "connect" with others, or browsing on E-Bay etc makes me feel less isolated, but it also serves to remind me there is a world out there beyond my front door. I think its easy to get in a rut and get frustrated doing the same thing day in day out, as they say, too much of anything is bad for you.

Maybe make a list of little jobs youd like to sort around the house to start with, and limit yourself to a set amount of hours on the internet?

How about using the internet as a resource to have a look at local community groups, evening courses youd be interested in, or maybe try a new hobby?

I try to have at least 2 internet free days a week, so I can live in the real world for a bit lol! :D Paula x

10-04-12, 16:58
Hi there,

I find I've got loads of motivation at work because I'm constantly busy and have to do things. At home, I never feel like doing anything but I force myself to get out and about.

I'm on leave at the minute and would happily have sat and done nothing all day and ended up feeling worse. Instead, I forced myself to go for a walk on the beach and then go and see a friend. It was hard work to get myself out but now feel much better for it.

Pip x

10-04-12, 17:26
Pipkin, I'm the same as you. I have motivation at work because I have to lol but at home I find it so hard at times to do things and I know this isnt good as I have 3 children. I force myself to do things though espcially with the kids and I usually find I feel a bit better and I'm proud of myself for doing it. Even if its tidying a bedroom, gong for a walk or doing the washing ! Small acheivements . I would do what Paula Lynne says and limit yourself to the internet each day. Do little jobs and then you can 'reward' yourself with going on the internet. I do usually leave it till my kids are in bed so they dont see me on here all the time. I've came on now as I was feeling upset. xx

11-04-12, 14:41
I find it's too easy to make yourself 'safe' at home i.e. do the comfy things like the Internet, TV etc. because that means you don't have to physically make contact with anyone...don't think this helps...

If I'm spending any great amount of time at home, I make sure I go out a couple of times a day, just to the shop or something, to make sure the contact is kept up - it's important to do this otherwise the comfy stuff takes over and becomes a habit...my thought anyway !:yesyes: