View Full Version : Introducing myself - AnxiousAva

09-04-12, 17:03
Hi all,

I joined this forum last night, and already it has helped me have one half-decent night's sleep!

After a number of stressful incidents over the last six months I've built myself up to a level of anxiety and depression combined that I'm no longer coping with normal day-to-day things, sometimes even just shopping throws me into the deepest of worries!

I started a new, very stressful job about a year ago, then I had to go into hospital for an operation and was reliant on family for a couple of months even just to go to the loo, then I fell pregnant despite having an IUD in place, which caused a miscarriage, then to top it off I went back to work into a whole load of new stress and that was it, I just plummeted!

My anxiety is health anxiety, specifically about cancer, and my main concerns at the moment are lymph nodes swelling and hurting (neck, groin, armpits), a creeping 'itch' that comes and goes all over but especially on glands, tiredness, weightloss, and yellow patches in my mouth. Of course, if you ask Dr Google he will say I have every dreaded disease under the sun and will die any second now... but that's probably not true!

I've battled with going or not going to the doctors (and have been a few times, had CBC, CRP and thyroid function tests), and am trying to weigh up whether it is worth getting the sicknote my doctor has offered me while I try and combat the anxiety. Problem with that is it makes me feel worse by letting my employers down (they have been unbelievably supportive, I don't want to mess them around at all), but then not getting better isn't doing THEM any good either! I've been referred for CBT, and I'm doing all the homework my psychiatrist sets me to do, and I can see small improvements. But when I'm down, I'm really at rock bottom. When I'm up, I'm great! Usually three-days-up-three-days-down at the moment. I have been diagnosed with moderate post-natal-depression and moderate anxiety. I was initially put on citalopram, but I felt this was making me more anxious, so am going to ask to swap to amitriptyline as I've had that before and not had any massive side-effects.

Anyway, enough rambling, thanks already to those who have been supportive, and I really believe being part of this community will help. I also hope I can be a support to others, that's definitely one way to boost your self-esteem, being a positive influence on others!



09-04-12, 17:06
Hi AnxiousAva

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

09-04-12, 17:55
hi AA, am new too and glad i found nmp. am sorry about the tough time you are having and just want to say that you sound really run down! hence the symptoms you are showing. can only speak from my own experience's but try and look after your diet when you are feeling low! (fresh food/vitamins) and plenty of water. i no its hard to eat and sleep atm but it works! good luck, a35. :hugs:

09-04-12, 18:30
Hi Ava and :welcome:
really nice to meet you and you will get lots of support here and will help us too .

You have had an awful time so no wonder your anxiety is high
The dilemna re sick note or not is difficult one and we all have different views . Good to know your employers are supportive .Is it possible to cut your hours for a while ? it is important to keep routines going if you can .

For me , I am in the have some time off camp . To enable you to recover with no stress while you adjust meds and give your tired body and mind a rest . Get that adrenaline under control .
I did this ,but went into work regularly at lunchtimes to see colleagues and update my bosses .......not nice and hated it ....but it kept me in the loop and on the usual work journey .
take care snow:hugs:

09-04-12, 20:52

A big, warm :welcome: to NMP

Pip xx

paula lynne
09-04-12, 20:56
Welcome AA, glad you found us, stick around, we are a friendly bunch mostly lol
:welcome:You're not alone hunny x

09-04-12, 22:53
Thanks everyone, its already good to be here :) may we all have speedy recoveries!