View Full Version : Having horrible weekend

02-07-06, 13:26
I'm so glad I can vent on here as I have no one else to talk to about this. I'm having a horrible weekend and feeling very depressed. It all started when I had a nasty letter from the medical services team who organise assesments for the Department Of Work and Pesniosn. They basically stooped my benefit becaise the doctor put inaccurate inforation down. I complane about it and they wrote back accusing me of lying. Apparently I don't have anxiety, depression or Ehlers Danlos Syndrome even though I provided medical evidence to prove I have.

The next thing I know I get a two sentace email from a guy I met a few weeks ago (I'd actually met him once before actually) and who called me beautiful and chattd to me and said he wanted to see me again. The email basically said he wasn't interested. I've had this problem with men all my life. They show interest and when I reciprocate I get rejected. I'm now 30 and wondering if I will ever find somone to love me. I have no money no family and no friends (they all rejected em too) and now I don't want to be here.

02-07-06, 14:13
Hi Polly

Sorry to hear you're having such a rough time at present. When suffering from depression it often feels like everything is piling on top of you at once. I can understand how that feels as I'm pretty much feeling the same at present.

However, no matter how hopeless things feel there is always hope and life can improve again. It is the guy's loss if he's called the relationship off and my bet is that it is entirely to do with him and his life and no relection on you at all.

I've been rejected by my family too and so I can empathise with how that feels. I also know it makes me on the lookout for rejection from others and sometimes it is almost as if I push people away to protect myself - kind of like I get in there first. I don't do it consciously but several people now have noted how I almost push people to walk away.

Regarding the benefits agency, have you consider enlisting the help of the Citizens Advice Bureau? They can help you prepare to appeal. Is your doctor supportive because that also helps. I'm getting hassle from the housing benefit people.

Feel free to rant away here. You'll find loads of support.


Happiness is not a state to arrive at but a manner of travelling.

You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough ~ Christine Cagney, Cagney & Lacey

02-07-06, 14:24
I am so sorry you are going hthrough this hassle and I can only hope that things get better for you soon.
Maybe you should see another, more understanding Dr

Take care



02-07-06, 14:46
I agree with Karens suggestions mate and also what chuckle said about changing doctors if they arent supportive enough.

Hoping things soon improve for you.

Piglet x

"Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?" said Piglet.
"Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought.

02-07-06, 16:39
Sorry you are having a bad weekend.

Try not to let it all get on top of you. Sort out the benefit thing asap and make sure they have all the correct facts.

As for the email - hmmm what a cheek eh? Don't let him get you down, sounds like he isn't worth it to me.

Sorry to hear you have no family or friends, it can be hard coping alone. Do you go to any social things atall where you may meet some new friends?


04-07-06, 10:39
Thanks guys for your support...am going to get the medical services tream to refer my case to an independent tier and also telling the papers!