View Full Version : About to start Citalopram... 21 year old need advice

09-04-12, 20:20
Hi Guys, this is my first post on this site and I am new to the world of forums!

I’m a 21-year-old male suffering from awful anxiety, but mainly panic attacks, which come on out of the blue. I have always suffered from anxiety but it has never stopped me from doing anything and I have never really thought anything of it.

After a few horrendous episodes of panic attacks and having to quit university because I can no longer sit in a lecture, I realized it is getting out of control. Three months ago I was put onto 80mg of Propranolol, which was later downed to 40mg as I didn’t like the constant side effect of been tiered.

I found that Propranolol did nothing for me and a week ago today I contacted my doctor (over the phone because I can not go in without having a panic attack and feeling like I am going to faint), and told her how I was feeling about Propranolol. She suggested that I start some new medication and come off the Propranolol.

She has prescribed me 10mg of Citalopram. I have never taken any anti anxiety medication and to be honest I am very nervous about taking them. So I am asking anyone that has taken them: what was it like? What was the first 24 hours like? Will I feel different in a matter of hours, days or weeks?

I didn’t want to start any medication but I have realized my life has been on hold for the past six months and enough is enough – I want to get back to normal. My goal is to restart university in September.

I would love to hear from anyone regarding Citalopram or just if you have any friendly advice.

Thanks in advanced,

Harry x

09-04-12, 20:34
welcome Harry.

this is such a wonderful site and will be very helpful to you, it was a godsend to me.

I am now on week 7 of taking cit and getting my life back. I did experience side effects but apparently some don't so you could be one of the lucky ones. :-) they do take time to work so you need to be patient but well worth it in the end. i think im still early days myself and feeling so much better than i did.

from the moment you start taking them you'll be going on the journey of getting rid of that nasty ole Anxiety ! wishing you all the best and if i can help in any way just let me know . Lesley x

09-04-12, 20:36
Hey Harry,

So sorry to hear about your experience with anxiety. I am also in University and found lectures at times Very challenging. Several times i've had to leave and call someone. I will say however, when i'm not in university and my mind is occupied my anxiety is far worse. The summer months I absolutely dread. I have no idea how to relax! Any way, back to Citalopram. I felt that it was the only answer a few months back because I nothing else seemed to work. I stupidly read up about all the side effects and by the time I actually took one I was petrified! I felt awful after taking only half a tablet which really wouldn't have had an effect on me but I think it was just the anxiety. Anyway - feeling that awful, whatever the cause be, made me look at other options which is why I looked for a CBT therapist in my area. I found this made a huge difference. Bloody hard as you have to really face up to your anxiety and it tests you. But once you challenge it and you win (which you will) your mind slowly realises that it won't harm you. Which is key. I'll admit, i've had a bit of a relapse lately (finished CBT approx 4 months ago) but I'm not where near where I was before. I actually have a life now. I'm going to start CBT again on Wednesday to try and nip things in the bud. Whatever you decide, I wish you the best of luck. Lucy x

09-04-12, 20:37
Hi Harry

There's loads of info on here about taking citalopram...and loads of us on here with first hand experience. I started about a month ago and my first port of call was the "citalopram survival guide" in these forums. It will answer your questions and provide reassurance.

My experience is pretty mixed. I had side effects from within about an hour peaking after about 4 days then reducing over the next for. For me it was enhanced anxiety that was so hard, but also dizziness and sleeplessness. After 4 weeks I'm not yet convinced they are working, but please don't let that put you off; many on here have had very positive experience.

Hope this is a start for you. Good luck and I recommend you go ahead and give them a try.


09-04-12, 20:46
Hi there, i am new to all this myself.
My anxiety started in Jan after a virus knocked me off my feet literally causing balance and vision issue but think main cause was i was petrified as we were due to go to america for my son to have an operation i therefore got myself into a right state, the three weeks before we were due to i had hear palpitations, couldnt eat or sleep, horrible chest pain, head pains i suddenly couldnt even go to the shops or stand in my kids playground without panicking. I went to America which only made the situation worse. I was put on 10mg citalopram o returning for 2 weeks, then beginning week 3 on 20mg i can honestly say after living with anxiety 24/7 it has now all gone it took about 3-4 weeks. I am now left with depression which i feel was due to all the anxiety i suffred. Propranolol did nothing to help me really. I wish you luck but for me its helped 100% for anxiety can now do all things i did before no panic. Wish you luck

09-04-12, 20:55
Hi Harry and a big, warm :welcome:

I know you'll find lots of people here who share your experiences and that you'll also be able to give a lot to others.

Take care and keep posting

Pip x

09-04-12, 20:57
Hey Harry. I've been on citralopram twice In my life, the transitional period, where your body Is adjusting to the drugs Is the pits.

Everyone's reaction Is probably different, but for me, first 24 hours I didn't feel much but a few days later, for the first couple of weeks or so I got headaches, dizziness, feelings of extreme tiredness (I didn't mind this so much, because before I could hardly sleep at all) and a dry mouth.

After that these side effects wore off I started to calm down, didn't get so nervous In public places, panic attacks gradually diminished, didn't get nightmares, didn't feel so hopeless..changes that helped me to see the world straight and start to think about the future again.

I kind of understand your situation, I had to drop out of a college course due to depression/anxiety...initially wanted to stay as far away from drugs as I could, but just got to the point where I knew I had to do SOMETHING or things might never change .
Hopefully you'll soon start to feel better, take little steps and then get back to university. I really wish you the best because it's the terrible when anxiety takes over your life xx

09-04-12, 21:57
Hi Harry,

So sorry to hear what you're going through. I was in the same position. My anxiety came completely out the blue around March last year. I was withdrawn from Uni after not coping after my dad had died. I was given prop and citalopram together and they worked brilliantly, at first they made me more anxious but that was the only side effect and it wore off as my body got used to the meds. I too was worried about going back to uni and imagined myself screaming running out of lectures like a mad lady, but it was fine. I'm now coming off the tabs after a year, so all I would say is take into consideration the withdrawl symptoms if you do not want to be on them long term, as I wish I did, im going through withdrawal hell!

I hope all goes well for you and if you need any more advice let me know, sometimes its good to speak to people who understand what you're going through, which is why im guessing we're all here!

10-04-12, 16:04
welcome Harry.

this is such a wonderful site and will be very helpful to you, it was a godsend to me.

I am now on week 7 of taking cit and getting my life back. I did experience side effects but apparently some don't so you could be one of the lucky ones. :-) they do take time to work so you need to be patient but well worth it in the end. i think im still early days myself and feeling so much better than i did.

from the moment you start taking them you'll be going on the journey of getting rid of that nasty ole Anxiety ! wishing you all the best and if i can help in any way just let me know . Lesley x


Thank you for your reply. It is very reassuring to hear from other people going through the same thing, and even better for me as I’m new to this site. (Wish I had known about this along time ago!)

What is your plan of action for Citalopram? My doctor has just said I am to stay on it for however long I feel necessary.

Can I also ask you how quickly the tablets started working? I have been prescribed 10mg, which I think is a low dose? Do you feel that the side effects you had were worth putting up with?

Harry x

---------- Post added at 15:00 ---------- Previous post was at 14:53 ----------

Hey Harry,

So sorry to hear about your experience with anxiety. I am also in University and found lectures at times Very challenging. Several times i've had to leave and call someone. I will say however, when i'm not in university and my mind is occupied my anxiety is far worse. The summer months I absolutely dread. I have no idea how to relax! Any way, back to Citalopram. I felt that it was the only answer a few months back because I nothing else seemed to work. I stupidly read up about all the side effects and by the time I actually took one I was petrified! I felt awful after taking only half a tablet which really wouldn't have had an effect on me but I think it was just the anxiety. Anyway - feeling that awful, whatever the cause be, made me look at other options which is why I looked for a CBT therapist in my area. I found this made a huge difference. Bloody hard as you have to really face up to your anxiety and it tests you. But once you challenge it and you win (which you will) your mind slowly realises that it won't harm you. Which is key. I'll admit, i've had a bit of a relapse lately (finished CBT approx 4 months ago) but I'm not where near where I was before. I actually have a life now. I'm going to start CBT again on Wednesday to try and nip things in the bud. Whatever you decide, I wish you the best of luck. Lucy x

Hi Lucy,

Thanks so much for your reply, it’s really nice to hear from others going through the same thing, but more specifically, someone who is also at university and struggled with lectures. I don’t know anyone else who has found them hard and at times I have felt stupid not been able to cope in them. For me it’s any formal environment where I’m not in control that bring on my panic attacks, can I ask what it was about lectures that you found difficult?

I was offered CBT about two months ago and went along to meet the therapist. I told her how difficult I find it even going into the doctor’s surgery so she offered to meet me in a local café to get to know each other, and then the next meeting would be in her office in the surgery. At this time, my anxiety and panic attacks were at the worst they have ever been, I was finding stopping at traffic lights in the car absolutely unbearable. So, unfortunately I stopped going to the sessions, as much as I wanted to go I just couldn’t do it! I have found a CBT therapist through Anxiety UK who offers CBT over Skype and phone; I have my first appointment with her on Tuesday 16th April.

How long did you take Citalopram for and what mg were you prescribed?

Thanks for your help Lucy,

Harry x

---------- Post added at 15:04 ---------- Previous post was at 15:01 ----------


Thank you for your advice.

Harry x

10-04-12, 21:43

10-04-12, 22:51
nothingworks.weebly.com :)

I found this site really helpful, Didn't want to read ur post and 'run' without telling you about it