View Full Version : Relapse - Back to CBT Journal

09-04-12, 20:28
Hey guys. Had a bit of a relapse with the old Health Anxiety and Panic Disorder after receiving what seemed a really helpful CBT Programme. As I'm going back to CBT for a refresher session on Wednesday I'll record my progress and what we cover on this thread. I feel that this will help me reflect on the sessions and also hopefully help others going through similar experiences who might not get CBT.

My therapist always gave me worksheets and templates to use every week so if anyone should require copies of anything just PM your details.

A quick lowdown on my history:

GAD/health anxiety and Panic since 19.
Anxiety free from 21 - 25 (lost mum v suddenly during this period)
Relapse at 26 (Panic and Health Anxiety, HA initially associated with Heart problems. Now at 27 currently Brain tumours - the usual catastrophic rubbish)

Main Symptoms
Generalised weakness, particularly knees
Off balance frequently
Bouts of nausea attributed to vertigo sensations
Constant Low grade headache.

Lucy xx

22-04-12, 00:05
Hope you're doing okay Lucy? After many years of coping on my own my doctor has suggested I contact my local mental health team for help - fingers crossed it won't take too long to see someone and hopefully I'll get on the right track!!
