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View Full Version : deja vu?

09-04-12, 20:49
Just a quick one, but i've noticed i'm getting quite a lot of deja vu recently? Granted i've probably had this now and again all my life but is it normal? I'm thinking getting it several times a day is now odd... But I don't want to start attributing it to a potential brain tumour... :(

paula lynne
09-04-12, 20:51
I think its something to do with oxygen imbalance, and if you suffer from anxiety, this is probably the cause. It wont hurt you, I get it quite a lot x

09-04-12, 21:15
Wow, thanks for the info Paula...thought it was my meds :roflmao: I get it alot too!! Actually thought I was going mad at one point.....K x

paula lynne
10-04-12, 00:23
Hahah lol Kittikat, Im not sure about meds.....
Imagine if you looked at the side-effects leaflet and "deja vu" was a side-effect?!!! lol. :doh:Yes, I read somewhere that deja vu isnt a memory of us doing something or being somewhere before, its oxygen imbalance and something to do with the way the brain works when it either functions on too much or too little oxygen......anxiety has a lot to answer for eh! x

10-04-12, 00:44
Too true Paula....I think I had deja-vu when reading the leaflet for side effects as I read it over & over anyway :roflmao: Strange though eh? Kitti x

10-04-12, 01:07
Hi all,

I get this quite often too. I always presumed they were old memories but this is could be the answer. It has to be the strangest feeling though..

Pip x