View Full Version : Perscribed propanel

anx mum
09-04-12, 21:10
Had awful pains again today been in floods of tears rung shop doc and they have told me to up my dose of propanel from 40mg to 80mg will this make alot of diffrence used to be on 80mg a while ago. Cant take much more of this its scaring me having pains in chest and arms

10-04-12, 23:07
Sorry to hear, is the pain from your panic/phobias or the actual drug. I'm only on a low dose of it and when I didn't take some I was quite shocked how jittery I was - you get comfatable with the new feeling very quickly I find and forget how bad you were before taking it.

Go back and see the Doctor is probably the best advice.

10-04-12, 23:47
Hi there,

Beta blockers made a huge difference for me when my anxiety was at its worst, particularly with the heart symptoms and the shaking. I was on Oxprenolol but I think Propranalol is pretty much the same.

Worth giving it a go, I say.

Take care

Pip xx