View Full Version : I was doing so well...

09-04-12, 21:50
I had been doing so well lately, but I had a weird moment today which has freaked me right out..,

I was baking cakes which is quite odd for me... I was mixing the butter and sugar and suddenly felt sick and then nearly passed out, had to crawl to the living room and lie with my feet up... I am constantly petrified of passing out but hadn't come that close in years... I have now convinced myself I have an undetected heart condition or something... I had been for a run about 5 hours earlier and had been fine, had eaten and was hydrated....I'm so worried now it will happen tomorrow at work, I can't blame it on anything other than possible over exuberant mixing!

Too scared to even go to sleep.... Urggggggg!

09-04-12, 23:05
Quite possibly a little blip with the anxiety.....try not to dwell on it too much, as you say, you have been doing so well. Just thoughts....let them pass and hopefully you will have a better day tomorrow.

Maybe leave off the cake making for a while too :roflmao:

Take care, Kitti :)

09-04-12, 23:08
Trust me you would not have a heart condition it is most likely your anxiety because remember it never fully goes you just don't let it get the better of you because i was doing well to at one point then i had a random symptom out of the blue and them kept thinking about it..and it was anxiety..just try to forget about it get some rest take your mind off it remember tomorrow is a new day think positive!