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View Full Version : Feeling awful

10-04-12, 08:20
Hi I just wanted to know, if anyone else get these syptoms as I'm convinced i have a serious illness. Over the weekend i started to feeling slightly off balance and almost as though i've been drinking (I haven't). I'm also getting a fullness in my ears, pressure and tightness in my head and feeling very strange when i walk. I'm terrified that i will pass out whilst driving. I also feel as though i could just put my head on the pillow and go back to sleep, my eyes feel strange. I'm also convinced I have a problem with my heart, even though middle of last year i had an ecg and bloods came back normal about from one which showed i may have an allergy (Drs said most probably hayfever as that is the most common). I still can't shake this feeling that there is something terribly wrong. I don't want to go back to the drs because my blood pressure is always up when i see them and that sets me off worrying too, haven't taken it at home for a while as my monitor is broken, but it's usually ok when i take it at home. My mom had a brain heamorage (sorry for spelling) about 17 years ago and they drs kept saying she had a virus, so i think this is why i have a hard time trusting drs. I'm constantling worry about my health and can't seem to enjoy anything. :weep:

Thanks for reading
Honey x

10-04-12, 08:57
Hi Honey b

Sound as if you are struggling here - personally from what your symptoms - and I am no doctor but I would ask for an ENT referral - you sound like you have an inner ear problem.

I only know because my mum had the same sort of symptoms and it was to do with her ear.

Hayfever? not heard of that one. Could you perhaps see another GP in the practice?

Anyway just advice here - hope you get sorted.

Laura x

miss sparkle
10-04-12, 09:02
hi, i had exactly what you described from Jan to march this year on and off.
i felt surreal, drunk(without drinking) generally weird and tired, also had headaches.
i think it is anxiety.
someone mentioned its when your body had so much to cope with with your constant thoughts and worrying, it kinda slows down to cope.
please don't be scared, just try to accept-easier said than done- its your bodys way of boring and not a serious illness.
i found when i had something else to worry about it went away
hope that helps bit x

10-04-12, 09:35
Thanks both, it really helps to know that i'm not alone! I also lost my uncle suddenly about 7 weeks ago and had lots of other things happening which were quite stressful. So it probably is all to do with anxiety. I also get the feeling as though i'm being pulled to one side, if that makes sense.


miss sparkle
10-04-12, 09:40
yes, i also had that, i swayed bit too.
i felt generally really dizzy and just rubbish.
i have had a few members of my family pass suddenly too, and i blame that on my increasing healthy anxiety x

10-04-12, 09:41
Thank your for your help miss sparkle x

10-04-12, 11:35
Hey Hun,
Ive also had this feeling of being drunk(without the drinking!) It lasted for a couple of weeks then randomly went i was so convinced i had a brain tumour it was unreal went to the docs had all the tests for one and was told everythings fine. This was a round a year ago, since then have had the heart symptoms and various other ones. The eye on i can totally relate to as get this alot,mine feels like my eyes are gonna pop out lol! xxxx