View Full Version : i have another question

02-07-06, 16:34
[:I] this sounds barking mad but here goes,

at times i like to use false nails, just the ones i glue on myself. a couple of times after i stuck them on my son was ill.
my kids being ill is one of my biggest fears.
so, each time i have wanted to do false nails i haven't because i think if i do my son will be ill.

i know that is not the case that it is irrational but still i won't stick on the nails...why? it's so stupid.

or if the doctor gives my kids any new medication i won't give it to them until the wekend when my partner is home because i am scared of being alone with them if they have a bad reaction to it. they have NEVER reacted badly to any medication.

why? and do you think this is mad enough to warrant antidepressants because i keep telling myself i am not bad enough to go down that route.

02-07-06, 17:03
Hi Linny, I used to be the same. I ate a twix and then had a panic attack, it took me ages to realise that it wasn't the twix's fault[:I]
I hate the number 13. If I see the number, I tend to think that something bad will happen to one of my kids.

I noticed that you have posted on the forum 13 times[:I]

Take care



02-07-06, 17:04
is this anxiety then, ocd or just an overactive imagination?

02-07-06, 17:11
Hi Linny, what it sounds like you are doing is linking the two things together - the nails and your sons illness and then avoiding the situation completly. Us anxiety sufferers do this all the time - well at least I do. I had a really bad panic attack once walking into town and still to this day I avoid the particular stretch of pavement where it happened, I cross the road instead as I think " well thats where it happened last time so surely it will happen again" It does sound crazy but its true. I do think that it very unlikely that your son was ill due to you putting on your false nails. Can I also say be careful about how you are portraying yourself to your kids, like the way you are with the medication. Kids are very intelligent and they pick up on everything....you don't want them picking up this behaviour from you, I hope this does'nt offend you but I only say that as I have 3 younger sisters and I hate to have my panic/anxiety attacks around them as I would never want them to turn out this way. I don't know if antidepressants would help you....obviously it would be better not to take them and perhaps seek some counselling or something to help change your cycle of thoughts....CBT is very good.
Hope you are ok
Angie xx

02-07-06, 17:23
Hi Linny, its hard to say really but I would have thought it was anxiety.

Take care

