View Full Version : Really scared I have a MS

10-04-12, 12:38
I have thyroid disease and I'm currently trying to sort my thyroxine dose out.

I'm having lots of numbness and pins & needles mostly right side but also left. My hand will go cold too. I think I have carpal tunnel in them. My leg feel weak & heavy and wobbly when I walk.

Im petrified I have MS I do not want to google symptoms but i feel Luke I have too! I can't really go back to my dr again.

Lele x

10-04-12, 13:44
I feel like this too! Mostly my left side right from my face to my toes numb tingling feeling and my leg feels weak, I keep telling myself it's another anxiety symptom but it's been going on weeks now, I've also started sertraline so I wondering if it could be a side effect from that could it be a side effect from your meds?

Ps don't google please it won't make you feel better xx

10-04-12, 14:06
Hi sorry u are dealing with this also. It's not my mess as I have been on then 5 years. Do you get dizziness?

L x

10-04-12, 14:25

Not spinning around dizzy just like lightheadedness and feeling a bit drunk! It really scares me as I have three kids to look after xx

10-04-12, 14:35
So I have I. Which makes this worse. Just feel so scared about this. I couldn't handle that.


10-04-12, 14:49
I'm hoping it will pass soon and it's all down to anxiety, To be fair this is just the latest in a long line of symptoms I've had since my HA kicked in last year xx

10-04-12, 15:11
Yeah I have lots too! It's hard to know what's real & what's not!


sherylee xx
10-04-12, 18:10
i get all this hun i get random pins and needles an weakness mainly down my right side but sometimes down my left and then my arm and leg feels heavy its horrible xx

10-04-12, 18:15
Sent by a pm sherry x

10-04-12, 18:47
I'm no expert, but my understanding is that early stages of MS are hard to pin down and can cause many vague symptoms. Hence, it's so easy for us HA suffers to latch on to it.

I think I have it too. Then again I also think I've got a brain tumour. I probably don't. And even if I do, is worrying going to get rid of them?

The one thing I know for sure is I suffer anxiety. It safest to assume all symptoms are down to that.


10-04-12, 21:31
I wish I could believe this I really do.

Anxiety sucks

11-04-12, 09:08
Over the past 5 months I have been suffering with all types of symptoms, similar to those you describe. I have had pins and needles, weakness in arms and legs, cold sensations in hands and feet and burning sensations on my skin-plus lots more.
I was absolutely petrified and convinced that I had MS. my Dr didnt know what was wrong and I was refered to a neorologist and and had an MRI scan.
I got the scan results back yesterday and they were completely normal:).
Im still worried (thats anxiety for you!) but I just wanted to say that I know what its like to suffer from these horrible symptoms, which feel so servere that you are convinced there must be something seriously wrong. But the chances are they are caused by stress and anxiety.

I honestly do think that once you have wound yourself up to a certain point that it takes ages for your nervous system to recover and get back to to normal.

Really hoping you feel better soon:)

11-04-12, 19:09
I wish I could believe this I really do.

Anxiety sucks

Hope I wasn't patronising Lele, I know exactly how you feel. I say what I said and know it's true, but I too find at hard to truly believe it. We have to work on this. Good luck and hope you are feeling better.

12-04-12, 02:32
oink - you are right - I think with the way all of us think on these forums it is best to assume that our symptoms our anxiety related until proven otherwise.

i just tell myself to keep going when I get these feelings of weakness on my left side - so far that has worked out. of course I always feel that one day I am going to come unraveled in public and not be able to function.

12-04-12, 07:57
Thanks guys that really helps.

Do you notice stuff with your vision? My bedroom is all white and when I look around my eyes play tricks on me, like I see things then when I focus on them they aren't there!

Lele x

13-04-12, 21:21
I get vision problems all the time, always seeing things out of the corner of my eye! I get lots of floaters and blurry eyes too. Had an extensive eye test and all came back ok

13-04-12, 22:00
Do you get the numbness and pins & needles on one arm & leg only like one side?

Lele x

14-04-12, 07:46
My right side is definately alot worse than my left. I do get some odd sensations in my left arm thou.