View Full Version : I'm scared of seratonin syndrome.

10-04-12, 14:27
My doctor prescribed me two medications and in
Scared I will get seratonin syndrome from
I take 100mg zoloft
5 mg Dexedrine 3 x a day

10-04-12, 15:15
Yes, not that I am an expert - there does seem to be an interaction when I put these 2 in google.

The only thing is this would have flashed up on their computer and the pharmacists.

Phone your GP or pharmacist back and tell them your concerns - just to be on the safe side.


10-04-12, 16:42
Hi Worriedgirl,

I'm not doctor either, but a quick online search suggests there may be an interaction between these two drugs.

This doesn't always mean there will be a reaction, the website deals with generalisations and we are all individual cases. However, I would go back to your doctor and pharmacist and as Laura says, tell them your concerns.

Hope that helps.

10-04-12, 17:19
I talked to my pharmasist and he didnt seem to concerned he just said take the zoloft at night and the dexedrine during the day.. but im still worried which sucks :/ cause i need both of the medicines.

10-04-12, 17:23
Sorry to sound silly but what is dexedrine used for?

10-04-12, 17:28
I'm curious too... but anyhow, have you taken your specific concerns to them and have them address them? You won't get peace of mind until you feel your concerns have been thoroughly addressed.

They may well be right in that they are safe, but it's your peace of mind that's just as important.

10-04-12, 19:29
Dexedrine is a ADD medication. Similar to adderall or ritalin or something like that.

Its really helpful, I can study all day on it. I love it.

I just cant stop being scared that the two medications will interact, ive been taking them for almost a month both together..and i havent had any problems yet..so idk if i should worry or not.

10-04-12, 20:36
Hi there,

If your doctor prescribed both and told you to take them at the same time, you should be fine. Also, as you've been taking them together for a month, you would have experienced problems by now if you were going to have any.

Take care

Pip x