View Full Version : Driving and Panic Attacks

10-04-12, 20:27
Hi is anyone out there that has panic when driving and avoids driving??? I am almost ready to quit but need to get to work everyday. I am having attacks constantly and the Zoloft I am taking does not seem to work!! Help please

10-04-12, 20:30
Hi iturner

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

10-04-12, 20:32
Hi & welcome,

Lots of lovely people to help & support you here.....I have similar issues to you and have already responded to your other thread.

Kitti :)

10-04-12, 20:33
oh I must have missed it, let me check thank you!!!

12-04-12, 16:40
I have panic attacks while driving and seem ( quite wrongly ) to drive at break neck speeds to reach my destination. I have been put on 20mgs of Citalopram which I have been on now for 7 weeks. The medication does seem to have helped as I feel an attack coming on they seem to subside without going into a full blown attack, have a word with your GP and discuss this medication as I am sure they will help, my attacks seem to come on when i am in queuing traffic is yours similar ?

Dont forget .... a panic attack although very disturbing at the time won't kill you :)
