View Full Version : New guy just saying hello

11-04-12, 01:40
Hi all,

I've come across this site a few times through google searches for anxiety issues but only just joined.

Been suffering from anxiety/panic related stuff for several years. Started with panic attacks, moved into anticipatory/generalised anxiety then agoraphobia appeared and now it seems i have a healthy (no pun intended) dose of health anxiety too - likely due to only recently experiencing perpetual tight chest and back pain so I'm constantly convinced I'm about to have a heart attack - very dull!

Having suffered for many years, I've become a bit of a "go to guy" from friends who experience more brief bouts of anxiety and depression so hopefully I'll find help and be able to help other on here.

Anyway I'll try to find my way around the site and post again soon.

Peace and love to you all

11-04-12, 01:42
Hi peace&love

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

11-04-12, 01:59
Hi there and :welcome:

I'm sure you'll soon find your way around the site and get to know lots of people on the way. Don't forget to share your experiences too as we all benefit from a new perspective.

Take care

Pip x

blue moon
11-04-12, 05:51
Hi peace and love.Welcome aboard,I like your user name.
Love Petra x:D

little wren
11-04-12, 08:39
Hi peace and love and :welcome: it is true when friends know you have suffered severe anxiety they tend to open up to you...they know you will not judge because you know what it feels like. I look forward to hearing your posts on agoraphobia and how you are coping.

little wren x

11-04-12, 08:47
Welcome, it's a great site and good to talk to people who are going through the same as you.