View Full Version : Hello! I am new.

11-04-12, 05:34
I am 33 years old and I live in Pennsylvania, USA around the Pittsburgh area. I have 4 kids, 3 girls and a young boy. I also suffer relentlessly from panic attacks , but I'm ready to fight this and dig myself out of the hole I've been in so I came here in search of wisdom, or just some knowledge. I've been reading recently about Positive Cognition and that's why I came up with this name, it has laugh in it, when you're laughing you can't be sad or panicky. :D

I have a problem I will post in a forum more relative to the topic.

11-04-12, 05:46
Hi Laugh4Me

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

blue moon
11-04-12, 05:46
Hi and welcome to the site.Hope you enjoy like I do.
Love Petra xx:flowers:

11-04-12, 06:52
glad you're here. this site has helped me so much. take a look at this thread if you haven't done so already: http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=7784 it's the most common problems that come up with anxiety and panic. i find it very comforting.
let us know how we can help. :)
and, yes, laughter can do so much for this. welcome.

11-04-12, 07:48
A big, warm :welcome: to NMP

Pip x

11-04-12, 08:25
Welcome, you will find tis site a real comfort.

11-04-12, 09:52
Welcome to the forum hun. I'm new too, and just knowing this forum is here with like minded people is such a relief.

I watched a cheesey 80's quiz show last week, and the hosts parting comment was..

"Laugh at your troubles, and you will never stop laughing"

Very apt :blush:

paula lynne
11-04-12, 10:12
Welcome to the forum, and well done on trying a pro-active approach. Great to have you here x :welcome:
Paula x

16-04-12, 16:58
Hello everybody..

Happy to meet you all..

17-04-12, 03:16
Hello and welcome!

17-04-12, 03:39
glad you're here. this site has helped me so much. take a look at this thread if you haven't done so already: http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=7784 it's the most common problems that come up with anxiety and panic. i find it very comforting.
let us know how we can help. :)
and, yes, laughter can do so much for this. welcome.

thanks for posting that link, lol! VEry helpful!

Welcome to no more panic, hope this site can help you xx
