View Full Version : is there any one there i am terrified

11-04-12, 05:54
Have ben told i have diabetes i amterrified haven, t slept a wink therefore all symtoms are much worse pounding heart pins needlels every where.
I don,t know how to cope frightened of eating in case sugar goes up.
Going to stay with son on fri and to see my lovely grandchildren but scared i am not going to hold it together .Please anyone

11-04-12, 07:04
Morning you.....

I'm sorry to hear about your recent diagnosis....Diabetes can be easily maintained, have you spoken to your doctor regarding the medication you will be on and has he provided you with information regarding foods?

My Dad is Type 2 diabetic, this is due to his diet etc etc, he has had this for years now and is absolutely fine, he just has to watch what he is eating...I know he avoids things like chocolate....

My auntie (by marriage) had type 1 and I remember she used to inject her thighs daily...she was also fine.

It's scary finding out you have something at first especially if it's new to you, in a way it's a good thing as your anxiety may settle knowing that these mysterious symptoms are prob just part of the diabetes.


11-04-12, 08:31
Thank-you for replying -I am now crying-made an appointment to see Dr

11-04-12, 08:57

Please don't cry....I know it's scary....nothing bad will happen to you I promise!

I'm surprised the doctor didn't give you the information in the first place on diagnosis.

Think of anything you want to ask him and write it down so you don't come home after and think oooops I didn't ask about that.

Please let me know how it goes....


11-04-12, 09:51
Hey Mili

I'm assuming your diagnosis is for Type 2 diabetes and it really is nothing to worry about. I was diagnosed ten or so years ago and at first the Dr tried me out with tablets but they were too much and I just felt weak and wobbly all the time. I have controlled my diabetes with diet alone and it doesn't mean I can't eat anything with sugar in it, I just moderate my sugar intake. I was terrified at first but I came to realise that it's very controllable and not life threatening. Life carries on:winks:

Don't worry hun, you'll get used to it.:hugs:

I also have friends who are type 1 diabetic and they cope very well. It's all about getting used to change and settling down with the hand you've been dealt.

12-04-12, 17:08
Thank you all for replying -yes it is the nature of HA to think of worst case outcomes-but it doesn,t help when you tell people and a few seem to revel in telling you that"my brothers got that you.ll have to watch you don,t go into a coma- he did and was rushed to hosp"

12-04-12, 20:21
my wife and both my brothers and a friend have type 2
none of them have had any problems they just watch what they eat and take pill's
to tell the truth my wife does not even watch what she eats she just takes 2 pill's
a day with now problems

13-04-12, 07:45
Did you manage to get some comfort in talking to the doctor...


13-04-12, 07:58
I dont know what they have at your doctors office but at mine they advertise a support group for those that are newly diagnosed with diabetes.

maybe you should look into see what support is available to you. I am sorry to hear you are going through this I undertand this would be an awful time for you.

Anyway all the best and hope you find something that will help you. Remember that you are going to be ok I have friends with diabetes and they are still fit and healthy as ever.

All the best honey (((hug)))