View Full Version : Obsession

02-07-06, 19:02
Does anyone find themselves obsessing over stuff like me. I am now constantly wanting to check my BP and pulse every 2 minutes. I am always thinking about it and it is driving me nuts.

Two heads
02-07-06, 19:52
I was like that a few months ago hun.You just have to keep telling yourself there is nothing wrong with your heart and there is no need to keep checking your pulse!
I no its hard but you can do it sweet xxx

02-07-06, 20:06
i am feelin 4 u hun as i do the same if i feel panicky i cant help but check my pulse is ok its jus because u r constantly thinking about it i no its a hard habit 2 get urself out of! mine seemed 2 stop when i was put on medication mayb the same wil help u!
take care xx

02-07-06, 20:15
count me in on that one im afraid

horrible isnt it


not the blood pressure though id not invest in that and would through it out if you can bear to

take care


polly daydream
02-07-06, 20:38
I can relate to that, I quite often check my pulse and worry about my blood pressure, but you have to train your mind not to think about it otherwise it does drive you mad.

Best wishes,


02-07-06, 20:56
i don't check on myself but i do a similar thing with my son. i am always taking his temperature even when he looks fine. sometimes i go in and do it when he is asleep!
i don't worry too much about my own health it's all about my sons health for me but i do know where youre coming from.
sometimes i am able to tell myself not to and think what will be will be but it's hard.

Will Loynes
02-07-06, 22:16
Im always obsessing about my heart rate, so much so I bought a heart rate monitor this year! [^]