View Full Version : Is this anxiety or ear related! Driving me mad!

11-04-12, 09:59

I've still got this terrible supposed allergy problem with the coughing and mucus as mentioned in my last posts.

Basically around a month ago my ears were blocked for 4 weeks...both ears. I saw the doctor, it wasn't an ear infection and he said it was prob where I was blowing my nose so much and quite hard that I managed to blow mucus into the E-Tubes.

The ears cleared about 2 weeks ago...was such a good feeling.

Now the left ear is completely blocked again...same thing.

For the last few days I've been having a bit of a hard time. When I'm walking around its like I've just stepped off a fun ride....like I can't quite walk straight. My legs feel like there not attached properly.

I had to go on a few lifts yesterday and when I stepped out of them It was awful..it was like my balance was off big time. Sometimes I feel like I'm leaning to the side slighty when walking.

It's worrying me cas it's making me feel nauseous and with the dizziness I get with the anxiety it's 20 times worse.

Even sitting down I feel like I'm not completely sitting still....it's weird.

Has anyone else felt this when suffering with blocked ears?


11-04-12, 10:37
OMG, this is exactly how i'm feeling, terrible pressure and fullness in ears and head. It makes me feel off balance and sick, it also makes me feel like i've been out drinking (I haven't). It really scares me because i'm convinced i'm going to just drop to the floor. I also get a whirring sound in my ears and my eyes feel kind of heavy. I had is a year or so ago and i went away, but now it's back and i feel awful with it. I think it's probably all due to tension in the back and neck, but i still worry that its something more. My legs feel hot and shakey tooxx

13-04-12, 09:31

I know the feeling well i've had it for years when it's really bad i have to get people to repeat what they said as sometimes i don't catch what they say.

It feels like cotton wool in your head all the time.. and my ears constantly pop like going up a steap hill..

I've had it so long now i've learnt to live with it..
