View Full Version : Introducing myself

11-04-12, 12:35
Hi my name I Maisie and I suffer from anxiety and slight OCD. I have been on citalopram for over five years now and felt great but after stupidly keeping forgetting to take them have come off them altogether. I now feel terrible. My panic attacks have come back with a vengeance, I have head whooshes, which thank goodness I read about on here otherwise I would have thought I had a tumour or something. I cant move my eyes without this electrical current feeling and I feel so down you wouldnt believe as I am normally a very positive person and always thankful for my lot. I now feel I have nothing to look forward to when I know I do and I hate myself for being like this. I also know that my work colleagues are beginning to take the mickey out of me for my ocd washing my hands and ensuring my cup is always cleaned and the washing up liquid out. I even caught them nudging each other the other day and I now feel I can't face going back to work after my week's break. This is not the me I was a month ago or the me I want to be. Does that make sense to any of you guys out there? I just feel pathetic and feel people see me as that!

11-04-12, 12:38
Welcome Maisie, you will find this site great, i'm a newbie too and have found the people that i have spoken to in the chat room really nice. x

11-04-12, 12:38
Hi Maisie24

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

11-04-12, 12:53
Thank you honeyb!

11-04-12, 17:01
Hi Maisie and a warm :welcome:

I know you'll find lots of support here, I certainly have.

Have you been back to see your GP? You shouldn't stop taking ADs abruptly, particularly after such a long time. If you want to stop, tapering off is the best solution. If you feel really bad at the moment, it might be worth going back on them for a few weeks and then tapering off.

Take care

Pip xx

11-04-12, 20:54
Thanks Pip I think I will do that.