View Full Version : Anxiety and alcohol

11-04-12, 12:44
Do you guys drink, and how does it effect your anxiety? I'm on 20mg citalopram, been on and off them for 3 years now, and I know I shouldn't drink at all really, but I somehow find it difficult to not. I'm not an alcoholic, and I don't drink often, but I like to drink socially when I get the chance, but I suffer so much, it makes me feel anxious and down for days afterwards. I've sworn off alcohol a few times, but I just can't stick to it!

I know it's simple, I should just not drink, right? :shrug:

Any opinions, suggestions?

11-04-12, 12:52
Yes I am the same and I have decided not to drink for a while as it is not helping me as I am on my 7th week of taking sert and over easter I drank quite a bit and i have been so low so I know I cant drink too much well until they kick in. but not doing what I did last week far too much booze not good.

Cathy xx

11-04-12, 13:00
Me too, my anxiety kicked off again big time at New Year when I had a bad hangover, it causes absolute havoc with me.
Also after having a good week, I drank on Thursday night and woke up with anxiety again on Friday morning.
I've decided not to drink AT ALL for a the next few months until I'm back on track.

11-04-12, 13:15
Emms I drank wed thurs fri sat and sun. How bad is that?

I had my friend up from london wed thurs and fri then I went to my chaps for the weekend so drank then and it was like half a bottle of red wed thus fri them wine and lager sat and sun far too much I felt poo lol. So not having any for a while.

How are you doing on the prozac is it helping? I just couldnt take them had the worse anxiety and shaking a vomiting. I know they are very good.

Cathy xx

11-04-12, 16:53

I'm on venlafaxine and drink a bit at the weekends. I find that it's fine as long as I don't get dehydrated the next day - this is a sure-fire way for me to end up having an anxiety attack.

Pip x

11-04-12, 16:58
If you suffer from anxiety or depression then booze is a BIG no no I'm afraid.

I used to be a big drinker and I fell for the whole "let's go out and get drunk" thing at the weekend and this week I am paying for it BIG STYLE.

As we all know, drink is a depressant. Everytime I drink, everytime I regret it the next few days.

I was booze free for a few months until this point so I'm going back on the wagon of sobriety as I always feel more happier and less stressed when drink isn't trying to come out of my system.

Avoid it folks, you'll feel much better for it!

11-04-12, 17:14
Emms I drank wed thurs fri sat and sun. How bad is that?

I had my friend up from london wed thurs and fri then I went to my chaps for the weekend so drank then and it was like half a bottle of red wed thus fri them wine and lager sat and sun far too much I felt poo lol. So not having any for a while.

How are you doing on the prozac is it helping? I just couldnt take them had the worse anxiety and shaking a vomiting. I know they are very good.

Cathy xx

Hi Cathy x
It's up and down at the moment. At 4 weeks now. Had one very good week then crashed at the weekend, so frustrating and upsetting. going to stick with it though, wait til 6 weeks the up the dose to 40mg if still not better. Never had this much trouble getting sorted on a med.
Hope you are feeling ok now?

11-04-12, 17:17

For some people, what you've said is undoubtedly true. The most important thing is not to drink very often and not too much. I have 2 or 3 glasses of wine twice a week and it makes no difference to me at all. I certainly have a very relaxed evening and generally sleep better.

Everyone's different and knowing yourself and how things affect you is very important in keeping the anxiety at bay.

If alcohol has a negative effect, best to avoid it. Otherwise, moderation is the word. Just make sure the meds allow it!

Pip x

11-04-12, 18:39

For some people, what you've said is undoubtedly true. The most important thing is not to drink very often and not too much. I have 2 or 3 glasses of wine twice a week and it makes no difference to me at all. I certainly have a very relaxed evening and generally sleep better.

Everyone's different and knowing yourself and how things affect you is very important in keeping the anxiety at bay.

If alcohol has a negative effect, best to avoid it. Otherwise, moderation is the word. Just make sure the meds allow it!

Pip x

Completely agree Pip, a few glasses of wine a week is fine. It's the binge drinking every weekend that's bad news - and that's what I used to do.


11-04-12, 22:53

You're right, binge drinking is a real no no.

Pip x

12-04-12, 01:17
Like most of you I agree drink makes things alot worse, I'm at my most anxious upto 4 days after then get to the weekend n do it all again, stupid I know but it plays a massive social side for me - but having realised n effect alcohol is having with me and my anx I have decided to knock it on the head for a few weeks, if I feel better for it I'll keep off it, or at s bare minimum I'll cut right down as I binge to excess, if it changed nothing I'll carry on drinking haha..... This is me personally I must add, not advice for others!