View Full Version : CBT or NLP?

11-04-12, 12:52
Hi everyone, as a sufferer of agoraphobia i need to get some treatment as soon as possible, but cannot decide which will be the best way forward.
I have called around several therapists, one will tell me CBT is best, the other NLP.
Has anyone had any experience of these or the differences as i don't want to spend money on the wrong therapy.

Any advice?

11-04-12, 14:39
We reccomend CBT most here. It gives you tools you can use for the rest of your life and completely changes the way you think. Ask Robin Hall about CBT4PANIC - it's an online course. Someone more experienced will no doubt chip in after me here! I've found CBT the most useful so far.
Be careful - what your therapists reccomends may be what they do best, and too often, what pays them best. You need to research each optiona and decide which best suits your situation, or find a very trusty all round therapist.
NLP is different from CBT. It's proved very successful for phobias and PTSD going into old memories and removing the emotions with timeline therapy or rewind technique and so on...you need to do lots of research on these two, they are the big names in anxiety therapy.

11-04-12, 18:51

eight days a week
11-04-12, 18:55

Dan I think you need to explain a bit more than that!

What are your experiences with both, and how did you arrive at that conclusion?

11-04-12, 19:20
Thanks guys,
Do you think giving both would be a good idea or would they clash?

11-04-12, 23:12
personally i think the two approaches would clash, NLP teaches a technique to take your mind off the anxiety (in my opinion!!), but CBT approach would probably focus on facing the fear (in my opinion!!), therefore a clash............


12-04-12, 11:12
Agreed, plus it wold cost an awful lot and the waiting lists are long enough!