View Full Version : cancer cancer cancer!

miss sparkle
11-04-12, 14:31
I honestly feel as though i cannot cope anymore.
I am totally convinced i have cancer of some sort.
i have a lump in my breast that has been checked at the breast clinic by ultrasound, but i am not convinced.
I have had neck and shoulder ache for months, and now i have stomach ache wonder ribs and abdomen, and lower back pain pretty much constant all day.
i am sure i have got cancer in one if not more places, and i don't know what to do.
if i go doctors i am sure they won't take me seriously, and what am i ment to say 'hi, i want a full body scan'!?
i don't know what is coming first now my anxiety or my pains so makes it difficult to know what's anxiety related.
I don't feel i can tell anyone about how i feel and i feel totally alone in my thoughts, i don't want to leave my wonderful husband and kids :-(

11-04-12, 15:25
Its a viscious circle isn't it. What did the breast clnic say your lump was?? Did they say it was a cyst, as ultrasound is the best screening for cysts and if there was a shadow of doubt they would have done a biopsy as well.

If it would make you feel better then you could ask to go back to breast clinic and ask for a biopsy or even to have the cyst removed, its drastic as if it is a cyst its harmless but while you can feel it or know you have got it will you ever stop worrying??

Its also perfectly reasonable to explain all this to your Dr and your fear that you have breast cancer that has spread, if you cannot tell Dr then write it all down but they do need to know just how worried you are and they can then explain things and there are simple blooc tests that can reassure you as well.

My mother died of breast cancer that had spread to her bones and when I got severe shoulder pain ( same as she had had!!) and was panicking my Dr did a blood test that showed I could not have secondary bone cancer and this helped me enormously but of course I had to admit my fears first:wacko:

11-04-12, 16:01
Hey Miss Sparke
I found lump a couple of years ago and had a biopsy, still convinced they gave me somebody elses results when they told me it was fine. I really have a hear time believing drs too.

miss sparkle
11-04-12, 19:12
hi, thanks for your replys.
apparently my lump is just glandular breast tissue. I had a ultrasound as i don't think anything showed up. I was obviously thrilled at the time, but afterwards i panicked as i have seen on the breast cancer care site that sometimes ultrasound can miss cancer.
i have started getting these aches and pains in my stomach rib and back, and i am worrying not only about the breast cancer that has spread but also others like stomach and liver !
I keep thinking the worst and if nothing was wrong why have i got these pains!
i had a blood vest about 2 months ago, all clear, but don't think it picks up cancer only blood and bone does it!?
i am at my wits end and cannot concentrate on anything.

11-04-12, 19:29
the cancer would be advanced to have spread to all those areas, you would have lost loads of weight and be really poorly and not be able to type on here. No cancer is not picked up by blood tests but your white cell counts in the blood would indicate something was wrong which would prompt the drs to do further tests. Please try and relax and don't worry. I'm sure the tests are correct xx

miss sparkle
11-04-12, 19:38
Thankyou honey, i am not crazy honest, though i know i am doing a pretty good impression of a crazy person atm.
it doesn't help that i read alot of women's magazines at work, when i am ment to be working!
they are full of young healthy people dying etc, i know i shouldn't read them but i do- x

11-04-12, 19:57
You are welcome, i went through the same thing a couple of years ago, when i found a lump in my breast. I was told by the dr that he didn't think for one minute that it was cancer but because i was 32 they have to send you for tests. I interpreted that are you might have cancer. You are not crazy and i work in the world of press and they love to publish bad news and stories that will get people like us to read them, these are usually rare cases. xx

11-04-12, 22:05

I hate those awful articles you get about someone who had a zit on their nose and it turned out to be fatal bloody cancer and no one believed it for 5 years then they died etc, those things should be banned! Along with the bloody millions of leaflets and adverts saying that if your left big toe hurts for more than 5 mins youve got bum cancer and will die, Ghah the media do not help us HA sufferers!

feeling pretty down now, but I've had 3 good days in a row. hope the amitriptyline kicks in fast!

11-04-12, 22:25
I was told by a breast surgeon that the only cancer not picked up by ultrasound is pre cancerous ductal cell carcinoma and this is only picked up by mammo and as this is not cancer but a pre cancer the chances are that even this will not turn into cancer.

So you can be very reassured that you just have lumpy breasts.

The blood test I posted about was the bone test that would pick up elevated levels of blood calcium that can be a sign of secondary bone cancer, my mother had high levels of blood calcium when her breast cancer had spread to her bones so if you have had this done and it usually comes under kidney blood tests then you can be reassured about that as well. My Dr did this test to reassure me.

miss sparkle
12-04-12, 07:57
Thankyou ava, i did have a chuckle at your post :-D
the ones i read yesterday were a young women who died of breast cancer which was actually secondary, and a fit healthy bloke who had stomach ache,T stomach ache, and turns out he riddled with different cancers!
bloody hell. my colleague actually commended on how long i spent reading that story(,they don't know how i feel)
Thankyou country girl. it didn't help i wasn't explained at all at the breast clinic, it was just 'everything ok, bye!'
i have been on the breast cancer site and there are few women on there who had a ultrasound, got all clear and went on to have cancer.
thanks for explaining about the blood tests etc, i just feel so crappy about how i feel physically and mentally.
hope you are all doing ok, thanks for taking the time to reply x

24-04-12, 10:16
Your lucky miss sparkle youive had all types of tests I have the same symptoms and I have not been allowed any blood tests ultrasounds of breaat exams the only thing they've done is a water test because they say its all to do with my anxiety so like you I don't believe them but I can assure you if you had the dreaded c word it would of come up on your tests my mother in law had low white blood cells on her blood test but it was just an infection so please don't worry :)