View Full Version : getting in a state plz someone help

11-04-12, 14:44
hi there ive been suffering from anxietyu for a over a month now my symptoms mainly consist of dizzyness strange head sensations headaches hot sweats and a feeling of unease and going to loose my mind all togther.
ive been taking citalopram for 4 weeks now and although im coping alot better and can function all my feelings are still here and i hate being on my own. my doc told me to up my 10mg dose to 20mg and after 4 days of being on the higher dose my anxiety hit the roof and all my physical symptoms amplified and some new ones such as a vibrating feeling in my head and ears and burning all over my body came about so my doc then told me to go back to the 10mg dose and ive calmed abit more but still having the same things happening...so im in a muddle was my doc right in bringing the dose back down or shud i of stuck it out? i just feel scared messing about with meds and going through side effects but i need help i want my life back!!! im only 5ft3 and weight 6stone 10lbs so my doc things my body is to small to handle 20mg.
please give me some advice or do you think the 10mg will work in abit more time??

angel wings
11-04-12, 15:05
hi hun

unfortunatly cit does cause bad side effects and i have the same problem im only small and dont weigh alot i have just upped to 15mg by cutting a 10mg in half maybe you could try that and see how you go x :hugs:

11-04-12, 15:55
weight and body mass is an issue according to my doc, I am male, 6ft 3in, 14st 5lbs = on 30mg but took a good while to build up to that dose. Look up Phsyco Poet on here, great guide for Citalopram. As a doc once said to me many years ago (re my kids) if you need help "keep coming back". I have a young doctor now and he is much more up to speed with this topic than older, well intentioned guy. Catch 22, you do n't feel well enough to insist on right help but please insist your doc takes time with you - ask for 2 appointment slots. Cit will work

11-04-12, 16:21
Hi Dizzydoll, I'm sorry to hear your having trouble on Citalopram. I was on Citalopram for 6 years, doses from 10 to 60mg (which they no longer dispense 60mg) I remember having hideous side effects when I first started them in 2005. I started at 10mg and felt heightened anxiety, mania and disassociation so I cut the dose in half and took 5 mg for 1 week, then 10mg for 1 week, then 15mg for 1 week then gradually got up to 40mg and was well for some years, although I felt emotionally numb. I hope this helps you x:):hugs: