View Full Version : Am i dying

11-04-12, 15:41
Hi everyone.

Please could you spare me a few minutes to read my thread and reply, i need people to talk to.

So i've lived with what i think or what im told is Anxiety for about 4 years and some days im ok and other days im not.

I have a very very bad phobia of fainting and i tend to feel lightheaded alot and think its going to happen to me especially when im in work. Thoughts go through my head like 'how can i tell my bosses how i feel?' 'what if i faint in work' and the thoughts scare me and i want to run. I havent ran away and stayed and got through it but i cant seem to tell myself that its just panic and irrational thoughts, instead i tell myself something is defo wrong with me and i will end up in hospital as its not normal to feel this way. Please if anyone can just talk with me id really appreciate it.


11-04-12, 15:48
Hi there, this is how i feel constantly. I usually get these thoughts and feelings when i'm about to drive home from work. I'm terrified of passing out whilst driving. I get lightheaded too and it's horrible, it's normal to feel like this with anxiety so i'm told, but it still doesn't stop you from worrying. I get strange sensations in my head daily and also in my chest and then get horrible thoughts to add to the mix. I'm about to drive home in about 1/2 hour and already i can feel it building up. You will find this site a great help and make some great friends along the way.

11-04-12, 15:51
Thanks honeyb! It just feels as though there is no way out and i cant remember what it was like to feel normal. Or am i normal but just think im not......Its so tiring


11-04-12, 15:53
I know it's the worst, everyday is a battle, but one that we will fight. x

16-04-12, 22:19
im struggling with this at the moment too :( im so scared of fainting. il be looking around me to see what il fall on if i faint, or whos around to catch me and look after me if i do. i get a horrible rushy feeling in my head, do you get that too? my head feels all heavy and my eyes go blurry.. if im walking and i stop it almost feels like my heads still walking if that makes any sense. Iv never fainted before so its like fear of the unknown i suppose. sometimes il get so bad il wish i will just faint so maybe id be able to stop worrying! haha xx

16-04-12, 23:26
Hi there, this is how i feel constantly. I usually get these thoughts and feelings when i'm about to drive home from work. I'm terrified of passing out whilst driving. I get lightheaded too and it's horrible, it's normal to feel like this with anxiety so i'm told, but it still doesn't stop you from worrying. I get strange sensations in my head daily and also in my chest and then get horrible thoughts to add to the mix. I'm about to drive home in about 1/2 hour and already i can feel it building up. You will find this site a great help and make some great friends along the way.

Wow everything you just said is exactly how I feel, except I have come to the point where I can't drive any more, I'm 22 and it all started in the car for me, I started feeling strange when driving like I wasn't on this planet, then my heart would race, then like your self hours before I was supposed to drive I would get anxious about driving, then finally I had my worst panick attack yet in my car alone on a man road and a lady had to help me and take me home and drive my car to a safe place.

Since then I haven't been able to do anything or leave the house. I'm new a just posted about me of ya want to take a look.

If I could go back I would of tried focusing on my work and fun stuff in my life, I wasn't able to tell my bosses so I left my job, now I have more stress of interviews.

Hang in there,


18-04-12, 11:07
I get like that sometimes, it's quite frightening. One time, I was stood at the top of the stairs when I suddenly started going lightheaded, and not seeming to be able to control anything I was doing, my eyes were rolling, and I felt like I couldn't breath, I thought I was going to fall down stairs, I was terrified.

18-04-12, 23:25
Hello Katy...

I am the same!! My fear is fainting....that is one main thing that holds me back.

Trouble is, I have very low blood pressure, so I am prone to fainting a lot...as a child I would be fainting a few times a month and it terrified me...

I am on medication for life for it but I still feel faint a lot which freaks me out, and I run away like you do :(

IF i manage to go to a supermarket, I get somebody to park the cat real close to the supermarket exit, in case i feel faint and can therefore quickly run out of the store and sit in the car.

I am shocked at the amount of people who fear fainting like I do!