View Full Version : Trying to understand panic

11-04-12, 20:25
I have been suffering with panic attacks for two years. I feel that this condition has reached its maximum potential and nothing surprises me, with its crafty ways of emerging. I mostly have them in my car. It will start with a clenched jaw and then the feeling of leaving your body and imbalance, with vertigo!!!! I feel as if i am going to pass out and i start looking for the safest place to pull over. I often think that i should get out of the car and lie next to it, in order to get the attention of a passer by, who in my mind, would help by getting an ambulance to the spot. It is really pathetic how the mind fights against its host. I am self employed and rely on myself to travell to clients and suppliers.

I feel that this was all brought on by low self esteem and perhaps violence and witnessing disturbing situations. I have read that it usually attacks people with low self worth. I am extremely confident in my buisness and am resonably successfull, having built up my buisness single handed. I have however been exposed to many negative situations throughout the years and i feel that this has a lot to do with what causes this debilitating sickness.

My latest way of assisting myself, is to treat myself. Whether it is a long, calming bath in candle light or going shopping for new clothes. I feel most of us who suffer with this condition are highly strung people, with large responsibilities and people who do not think of themselves often enough. We should have learnt before our condition, to give ourselves calm time, to treat ourselves to rewards and to most of all love ourselves for who we are and what we have accomplished!!!!!!

Put your condition in the back of your mind and go make yourself an indulgent cup of hot chocolate. Go to the hairdresser and have a colour, style and blow wave. Treat yourself to an awesome lunch or simply jump into bed with your favorite movie, book and snacks. Just love YOURSELF for a while.:bighug1:

paula lynne
11-04-12, 23:37
Great post! Long may your positive attitude continue, despite suffering with anxiety, well done! :)

12-04-12, 08:00
Well said....wish I had the money to shop and do all of that....lol my dad has his own company 1 man which u do work for, he doesn't pay enough haha....not with two kids to feed.....

I used to be really happy before all this started, I still to this day don't know what triggered it...it's only been 2 years....


12-04-12, 09:35
love this post. thank you so much. it helps to hear joy from people who are going through this. i, too, try to remember the magic and good of life. i like the idea of taking care of me. wish i didn't need permission, though. :) would be nice to just know that. but, yeah, this low self esteem thing can do so much to alter our perceptions. easy way for anxiety and panic to get in.
keep the positivity coming. amazing how much it helps.

"it is astonishing how short a time it takes for very wonderful things to happen." -Frances Hodgson Burnett