View Full Version : can depression cause you to become lightheaded?

03-07-06, 02:03
i was thinking maybe i have a symptom of depression. i definetly feel depressed and i definetly feel lightheaded. can i be depressed cause im lightheaded? or can i be lightheaded cause im depressed? sorry if tht sounded confusing, but does any of this make sense? are there physical symptoms to depression? any help would be extreamly appreciated.

03-07-06, 04:01
Hi there -
I know that depression can cause anxiety and lightheadedness is a common symptom of anxiety. It doesn't sound confusing at all. Makes sense to me!!!
My lightheadedness was usually caused by the way that I was breathing. Short, shallow, rapid breathing causes lightheadedness. I changed the way that I breathed by doing breathing techniques and then it just kind of drifted into my subconscious. I didn't even need to think about it after a while it just happened on it's own like it is supposed to. Geez now I hope I'm making sense. It's hard to explain.
Anyway I hope you feel better real soon :)

03-07-06, 04:11
were you lightheaded all of the time 24/7? cause thats what i have. it doesnt really go away, just sometimes it isnt as bad. i do think i dont breathe correctly sometimes. but im afraid ill never be able to change it to breathe normally. how long were you lightheaded for? did it go away completely? what are some breathing tehniques you used?

03-07-06, 04:22
There were days and even sometimes weeks that it was 24/7 or at least while I was awake. Most of the time I don't have a problem with it anymore. Sometimes when I am really stressed or around that time of the month(sorry I know that's tmi but anyway....) I still have to really think about it and use the breathing techniques. But it doesn't take as long to get it under control again and then I am fine.
I use diaphragmatic (sp) breathing and aim for 6 breathes a minute but I will provide a link that will explain it better than I can....
How to cope with Panic Attacks, Anxiety, Phobias and OCD (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/NMPcms.php?nmppage=coping)

scoll about halfway down and it is under abdominal breathing.
I hope it helps :)

04-07-06, 10:41
I hate to sound as though I am repeating myself here but are you taking meds? Meds are far more likely to make you lightheaded than the depression itself.

expecto patronum
06-07-06, 17:45
I think its more likely that the dizziness is causing the depression, you might be different but for me I think it works like this; anxiety=dizziness = depression and increased anxiety.

06-07-06, 19:04
I agree with rossie, the lightheadedness causes me to be depressed!

Cath x

22-05-09, 15:06
Yeah Can Depression Cos Light Headedness, I Get Light Headedness Each Time I Am At Work, Becso I Am So Depressed Trapped And Bullied By A Narcissim Person There, So I Am So Depressed And From Then I Keep On Having This Light Headedness, Out Of Control Feeling, Like I Can't Control My Own Self, Even Standing Make Me Out Of Balance.help Whatg Should Ido?iam Taking 25mg Of Atenolol.