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11-04-12, 22:50
Hi guys,

I'm due to go to Scotland at the end of May for a long weekend with my other half and some friends. I haven't flown since I was 17, I'm now 30 and to be honest I'm petrified!!!

I have managed to reduce the number of panic attacks I have had over the last couple of months and even travelled on train something which I never thought i'd do - but planes I think are just that bit beyond at the mo =(

Has anybody got any tips for flying?


paula lynne
11-04-12, 23:32
Hello Dave!
Take an ipod, bottled water, paperbag, and maybe some Bach rescue remedy.
I flew to Edinbrgh a few years ago, and by the time I was half way through my magazine, they were telling us to put our seatbelts on!

Keep busy, you never know you may surprise yourself and enjoy it (a little bit).
Enjoy your weekend :hugs:Paula x

12-04-12, 09:42
Hi Dave,

Im not sure what your fear is with planes but mine was of having a panic attack whilst in the plane ( no escape !) I flew to Spain last year after 18 years and this is what helped me.

The weeks leading up to the flight I did a relaxation tape every day then afterwards I imagined myself getting on the flight , being happy and also walking off the other end and being so proud of myself that I had done it.

On the day I used rescue remedy before getting on and during . I actually sat with my little bottle on the tray in front of me all the way. I listened to my music on my iPod and also used my ds all the time . I had lots of different puzzle games . Also had a bottle of water and some snacks ( although i didn't feel like eating)

I honestly felt okay all the way and on landing I looked round and saw a lot more people looking terrified . So we are not alone .

Hope that helps . Just think of the fantastic weekend you will have

jules x

12-04-12, 19:58
Definitely take a bottle of water on, it helps so much. Get some medication from Dr before you go and take it about half an hour before you fly.

Also there is a fear of flying app by virgin airways or british airways or something on ipod/iphone and perhaps android too. It helped me just as it explains what the plane does and why they are so safe. Knowing how safe they are the worst that could happen is you get a panic attack, but at the end of the day it won't kill you and your other half will be there to support you too!

I hated flying but have managed to do 11 lonnnnnnnngggggg flights in the past 8 months! I absolutely despised it before getting panicked just thinking about it but I really thought I can't let these things hold me back and booked the flight to New Zealand anyway! Loved my long holiday and am so glad I took the plunge. Also have a look around as you are taking off. You can tell many people are nervous, but most are experienced flyers so just have their head back and eyes forward. Personally I like the odd sneaky look out the window though :p terrified by flying but absolutely amazed by it at the same time!


16-04-12, 01:16
hi dave,

i'm someone that a year ago was terrified at the thought of flying after having a panic attack on a plane. now i manage to fly to spain on my own every 6 weeks (my boyfriend lives there) so it can be done! i still get nervous/anxious each time i go starting a few days before but i have found ways to cope.

i remind myself of the positive reasons i am flying and that it is an exciting adventure. i always make sure i have water a few valium tablets with me (although ive not had to take one yet), and plenty of ways to keep myself entertained, watching films on my phone, ds, books magazines. i also find that talking to the people im sat next to really helps put me at ease, most people are at least a bit nervous about flying and it is comforting that i'm not a alone. i also have a little drink too which always takes the edge off the nerves! lol. good luck! Sarah x

16-04-12, 01:21
Dave- do you have to fly? Can you not get a train? Or is this something you want to face?

16-04-12, 13:21
Distractions! I went from being ok with flying, to slightly scared of it. I avoided going away for a few years, but had to challenge this. I've been on many flights now and they were the best flights I've had. I've even been on a flight with a problem that turned back, but there was no reason to panic. You're starting on a short flight, so you won't be in the air for long which is good. Take a book that you can read not only on the plane, but while waiting in the airport too, as this is the worst part in my eyes.

I had a flight to Dubai a few years ago and I took so much to keep me busy on the flight, I probably could have kept the entire plane entertained! I used hardly any of it. But better to over prepare and have lots to do than have nothing to do but sit and worry.

Also, stop thinking about it. It's a long time away and you are already worried about it. This will only build up and up the more you think about it. You need to work on changing your thinking about it now and every time you think about the flight, just say to yourself something that will make it simple and unscary. Then get on with your day not thinking about it.

Have a nice time in Scotland!