View Full Version : Tickling sensation

12-04-12, 07:45
I have suffered with anxiety for a while now but last nite i had the strangest tickling sensation in my head that scared me and made anxiety worse . Im just wondering if anyone else has had the tickling in head. Thanks:weep:

12-04-12, 07:56
Morning Hun

I get episodes where it feels like ants are running around my head....lol! Sometimes I say to my husband is there something on my head....

It's def anxiety....guess it like when we have tingly legs and arms etc....

12-04-12, 08:04
I have suffered with anxiety for a while now and last nite i had the strangest tickling sensation in my head which scared me and made anxiety worse ,was on the verge of ringing doc cause i thought i was having a stroke.. Has anyone had this sensation before . I wasnt anxious wen i got the tickling in my head it just came from nowhere. Please help, thanks:weep:

12-04-12, 08:13
Hi Ella
You don't have to feel anxious to get symptoms, this is why it's so hard to believed its anxiety. I've had all kinds of symptoms when not feeling particularly anxious. I've had the tickling sensation in my head, head pressures, trickling in my ears everything you name it. Just try and take it for what it is, just a symptom of anxiety. x

12-04-12, 10:38
Hi Ella; I struggled with this when my anxiety was at its worst. It's a strange can't-quite-reach-the-itch sensation, isn't it? Very odd. Very disturbing. But distraction's key: do something which doesn't allow your mind to wander - like watch a great film, bake something new, or exercise to music. It'll pass. It's just one of the lovely little symptoms anxiety likes to throw at us from time to time.

lou lou
14-04-12, 14:54
Funnily enough i'm having this right now (although it's not funny) also having it on my face which is horrid, i keep thinking i'm having a stroke!

14-04-12, 22:54
me too......but i just think ooooo it's that nice feeling of ants massaging my head again! lol .....loose the fear of it and it will subside :) and you are not having a stroke ....you wouldn't be typing messages on here if you were :) xxxxx

16-04-12, 12:59
thanks to ye all for getting back to me.. its so hard to accept that it all anxiety related.. at least im not alone in my fears and feeling sometimes u feel like u r.the hardest times for me are at night when nobodys awake and ur going through it on ur own which makes it worse.:shrug:

Volt The Mean
09-12-12, 04:51
Hi, I have really bad anxiety but I've never felt this sensation before its like a itchy-tickling sensation, it has me really worried, I looked it up on google and someone posted it could be a tumor. Which tripped me out even more.

But what I read above kinda calmed me down a bit, but I'm still not sure. D:

01-10-14, 02:18
Hello everyone, I just had an episode like this however mine seem more severe. My first happened 3 days ago and I was shaking uncontrollably. I also had dry mouth, tingling in my head with pressure and pains in my head as well. I was so worried I rushed to the hospital. This has happened every night for the past 3 days. It worries me even more that this continues to happen with no end in sight. PLEASE help me. Is there any cures? They happen every evening like clockwork. I don't want to live with this, and I don't want to rely on meds for the rest of my life. Any help would be greatly appreciated!!!