View Full Version : shooting pain

03-07-06, 03:03
hi everyone,
i have just woken up in the middle of the night with a shooting pain under my right breast. it is so painful it is practically winding me and i feel short of breath. the pain seems to be going all the way up to my neck and is really really uncomfortable.
i have never had a pain like this as a panic symptom so i don't know if it is one or not. i don't want to wake up my boyfriend because he is always calling me a hypochondriac, but the sensation is really freaking me out.
any help or advice would be really appreciated...
henri x

03-07-06, 03:53
Hi Henri -
I have had pains in my chest that woke me up out of a deep sleep. You not a hypochondriac!! It is real pain - I am sure tho that it's just from muscle tension. I say 'just' but it doesn't make it hurt any less or make it any less scary - I know. Maybe a hot bath would help to relax some of the muscles.
If you need me you know you can pm me and I'll be here in a jiffy :)
Hope you feel better soon hun - xxx
Your friend,

03-07-06, 05:43
Hi Henri, I get these pains quite often and they scare me so much. I agree with eeyorelover, it is probably muscle tension.

Hope you are feeling better soon

Take care



03-07-06, 07:16
Hi Henri - I het the pains too - Love Helen

03-07-06, 09:24
Just a thought if i get a pain like that, its usually trapped wind. A warm bath or a warm drink can help


Laughter is a tranquilizer with no side effects

03-07-06, 10:15
Do you feel any better now mate??

Piglet x

"Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?" said Piglet.
"Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought.

03-07-06, 18:37

Ive had this pain for months,i still dont know what it is but my Dr says its muscular/skeletal.It really hurts,so i know why youd be worried

Just wanted to let you know you are not alone
Has it eased off any?
Hunny x

03-07-06, 20:42
Thanks for your replies everyone,
I stayed up for another half an hour, had a herbal tea and fell asleep - i tried to tell myself it was nothing serious (which it clearly wasn't).
It really helps to read other people's experience of this sensation so thanks again for your replies. I just hope it doesn't happen again tonight so i can get some sleep!
Henri x