View Full Version : Off to the doctors today.. how is it for you?

12-04-12, 10:10
I went 10 days ago and they asked me to go back so they could check on my anxiety.

I am both excited and scared to go. Scared that they will find something and excited that they won't and it will be enough to put my mind at rest (yeah right)

I also worry that I wont have time to mention everything LOL

I want to show him my tongue and mouth again and I have so many other fears but they pretty much want to get you in and out.

I'm also scared they will write me off as a HA and never take me seriously again.

How is going to the doctors for you? does it fill you with terror? do you plan everything you are going to say?

12-04-12, 10:35
i went to my docs yesterday..had a lump on my collerbone for 8 months ..had all blood tests etc and all were clear..go for ultrasound next week as doc needs to convince me i am ok..my brother died suddenly 9 months ago and since then my anxiety has returned.. i am a wreck...any way i broke down in floods of tears in my docs and she was lovely..she prescribed a mild antidepressant and has told me to come back in 2 weeks ..but i think once i get this ultrasound it will go a long way to helping me..also i had an abcess under my arm and it made it puffy so i thought it might be to do with my breasts..i am due a mamogram next moth so that will alay that fear..i feel fear is taking over my life and i hate it..why do we do things like that..

12-04-12, 10:48
Hi there,

No, I don't like going to the GP either. I never seem to get my point across properly or forget what I wanted to say.

Recently, I've been writing down some points that I want to say and taking my list with me so I don't forget. Seems to work.

Good luck

Pip x

12-04-12, 14:47
Im off in 10 minutes.. been rushing to the toilet out of fear all day.

12-04-12, 16:38
I HATE going to the doctor...not because it scares me....because I don't feel like I'm taken seriously anymore......

I have had to go so many times due to my allergy...I have had to C-Sections but have very bad back pain near where they injected...every time I say something....ITS ANXIETY....

My hairs falling out again ( have had alopecia areata 3 times )....YOUR STRESSED ARNT YOU....

the list goes on and on....I have so many other things I need to get checked....a mole on my arm...this back pain...the so called allergy problem I have...

I said to my husband when I'm on my death bed in hospital make sure you sue somebody...lol

12-04-12, 17:00
Im back. I don't have mouth cancer, apparently, nothing like it he said. Although he said he can't see anything YET with a small laugh. And that scared me, so I got him to repeat that I don't have mouth cancer about 6 times. He said at my age it would be very rare. Im still worrying. He gave a little friendly laugh when he looked in my mouth and I assume the yet thing was him trying to be funny. Then he showed me pictures of mouth cancer and mine look nothing like it. I keep thinking perhaps its developing into cancer and that is what he meant but he said I didn't need to back or see anyone because I'm fine.

I didn't get to speak about my cervical cancer because there wasn't enough time.

He did increase my meds and tell me to come back in three weeks if I'm not feeling better.

Am I relieved? no My mind is focusing on what he could have missed and perhaps he thought I was in the beginning stages lol. But surely he would send me somewhere if he thought I was developing it?

I don't know why I entrain these thoughts.

12-04-12, 18:17
it sounds to me the 'yet' on the end with a small laugh was a little joke that was insensitive really considering your anxiety lol. sounds like youre perfectly fine, or he'd have one told you to keep an eye on it and two asked you to come back for check ups x

12-04-12, 20:25
Hi there,

It was obviously his idea of a joke! If he'd seen anything even slightly unusual, he would have referred you. No doubt about it.

Take care

Pip x

12-04-12, 23:23
I hope he would have referred me if something was unusual lol

He seemed a bit uncomfortable with me to be honest. Like he didn't know how to deal with someone like me.

He said that I'm young and I should be out enjoying life, not worrying about dying. How I wish that advice was easy to take.

I don't like any of my doctors. The one I had last week was amazing with me but she went and left :( You could see he wanted to get me out of there.

Im still checking in the mirror seeing if my white mark has grown since I've been. I have to stop this because I find new things to worry about. I assume that if I have mouth cancer I wouldn't need to hunt to find things, it would be un-missable.

Oh well nearly bed time. Get some peace from my head then wake up to the usual panic attack... fun times!

Deepest Blue
12-04-12, 23:45
Hi Hypo,

I'm never usually overly keen to visit my GP especially if it's relating to my anxiety, it's not that he makes me feel uncomfortable, it's more the case that he's quite happy to prescribe me with meds too quickly like as if it's going to be the answer... So it feels like I'm not really taken seriously... I just find it a wasted trip unless I have flu or something ...

I do still need to go and have check ups every 3 months to see how I'm getting on but it just feels like a predefined routine rather than a genuine check up...

I know that if you're not happy with your doctor you should look to change but he's the family doctor and stuff so he knows my parents and grandparents very well, kind of feel oblidged to stay with him....

Hope you have a better day tomorrow,
Take Care

13-04-12, 08:02
I do feel anxious going mainly because of what the outcome would be. I fear unfriendly and unhelpful gps lol.
I always feel sick in the waiting room before seeing them as if Im worried that they will think Im silly or that I have something that they will think is serious.

I am very shy and suffer mild social anxiety so I prefer a nice doctor that I know very well as this sort of eases my anxiety. my GP im seeing takes me seriously and understands me so that is a good thing.

I think its quite normal to feel nervous when you go and see a doctor its the same when you go fo tests at the hospital.

13-04-12, 08:17
Def....I hate hospitals with a passion.....

When I had my last C-Section 7 mths back...the night of the op the woman next to me was snoring soooooo bad so I couldn't sleep which was really getting me down as I had to sit awake all night and I didn't want to be there if it makes sense....

The next morning I jumped out of bed had a shower and packed my bags....to.d them I was discharging myself....obv they wanted me in at least another night....I cried and said no om going home...they organised an immediate check so I could leave,....

We are always scared of the unknown....I get dizzy in the GP office
