View Full Version : my anxiety is back again.. and some weird dreams

12-04-12, 12:41
I don't feel anxious, but for 3 days now i feel lightheaded, unsteady and a bit dizzy almost 24\7.
I have anxiety for 7 years, since i was 18 and for me, those are the most severe and frightening symptoms of anxiety and the ones which are harder to cope with for me.. basically i feel them almost all day long.

Anyway, in the last week i had many weird dreams, usually i don't have those kind of dreams.
And even if i have a nightmare, i just forget it and going back to sleep... but this week, i had two nightmares that really scared the s**t out of me!

Few days ago i had a dream about me watching a news report on TV, so far so good, only this time the headline was "A disaster in *** " (couldn't read the name of the place) and they said something about 1.5 million dead in that disaster, then i begun to dream as if I was there.. and everything looked like in movies, blown up buses, dead people, lava on the streets... and big cloud of something that looked like a nuclear explosion in the horizon. I woke up shaking.

Then, last night.. i was dreaming about me walking out of my home and seeing two of my friends sitting on a bench near it, it looked exactly like my neighborhood only without people and with no street lights, i tried to speak with them but felt like I'm being pulled away. And then one of them said "hey, look there, its your shadow pulling you...", while pointing... i turned around and I've seen some sort of man figure (looked like shadow) trying to pull me... and then i woke up shaking again.

I'm writing this here because i truly believe that my mind is trying to tell me something, something that maybe will help me with my anxiety symptoms which I'm so tired of. Like I said, i don't feel anxious in everyday life, but still get physical symptoms... so i guess my mind trying to tell me what bothers me deep inside, in my dreams.

Does anyone else get those constant 24\7 dizzy\lightheaded\unsteady feeling without feeling anxious at all? and, what does my mind trying to tell me with these scary dreams?