View Full Version : Blood test results...so anxious waiting!

12-04-12, 12:41
Two days since the blood tests!! I'm a wreck...rang the drs 3 times yesterday!! My FBC, WBC, Liver, Kidneys, ESR, C Reactive Protein are all back within normal range!! SO relieved! But I'm panicking like mad over the ANA, Anti DNA ones as I'm googling again!
Spoke to my GP yesterday who explained they take a bit longer to come back than usual tests, but I'm thinking that the longer they take indicates that they are having to titre them more often due to a positive result? The GP incidentally had phoned me back to say that he wanted me to repeat the glucose test as although it was within normal limits it was slightly high.. I explained how stressed I'd been before the test and how I had raced up to the hospital just before the blood room closed, so he did concede that the adrenalin could have caused a higher reading & I can leave the repeat test for a little while longer.
Anyway, back to today & I've rang the practice again and spoken to a lovely receptionist who has gone out of her way to phone the labs to ask how long the results take..she has just phoned me back and said that they will be back tomorrow! I'm supposed to be going away at the weekend but just can't face anything until I know the results... don't know whether to phone drs back later about anxiety!
Oh, and although I'm not usually superstitious...I've just realised tomorrow is Friday the 13th!


13-04-12, 05:28
Oh how I can relate to your anxiety !!! I get so uptight about any tests and espicially the results-cannot wait for the results -tell me now tell me now.
Perhaps going away for the weekend will take your mind of your results and make you feel less anxious.Hope all is well:hugs: