View Full Version : just when you think your ok

12-04-12, 13:11
Hello again, iv been convinced i have MS 4 over 2 years but my docs say it anxiety, tried councelling and on waiting list 4 CBT...!! i get weaknes in left side all the time pins and needles in both feet,sometimes blurred vision,had an eye test and picture taken of back of my eye over 28months ago and everything was fine. My latest in a long line of symptoms is for a while now i keep getting words mixed up e.g. put it in the bathroom knowing i am aware i mean to say kitchen. Also over last week 2 people have said i sound like iv had a drink of alcohol, when i havnt and now im noticing i sound like im saying s words funny, like slurred.Im so scared xxxx

12-04-12, 18:24
Hello any1 :)

13-04-12, 10:10
just needed alittle possitive feedback,never mind :weep:

13-04-12, 10:17
Hey Shelley

We all fear we have some sort of disease that either the drs ignore or fail to diagnose because it must be some rare undiscovered illness!! The symptoms you are describing are just like the ones I get. They are symptoms of simple anxiety.....you know you have that illness so don't you expect to have all the symptoms from it? Why are you looking for another explanation for them? You are choosing a disease that scares the pants off you so you automatically think it must be that. You sound like your suffering from severe nervous tension. Is there something you can do to distract yourself for a while? Even if you can take 15 mins out a day from thinking about this is enough to start to break the cycle.
Nurture yourself and treat yourself for your real disease which is anxiety and you will understand all these symptoms you are having. Have you ever read dr Claire weekes books? They were a tremendous help for me.


14-04-12, 14:02
I have good and bad days. I cant never seem to accept that all these scary sensations are just all down 2 simple anxiety!!!!!!!! I hate feeling this way but il give the books ago thanks xx

sherylee xx
14-04-12, 17:28
omg hun i could have written this myself i get 100% all of the symptoms your describin muckin my words up sayin things wrong when im thinkin the right thing i was meant to say but its like i cant controll it and the wrong words come out i get weaknes down my right side some times my left but more so my right side i get very blurry vision etc xx

14-04-12, 23:35
Hi Shelley,

They really sound like anxiety symptoms to me and if your GP says it's anxiety, it very likely is.

I know that it can be really difficult to accept that symptoms that are so real and can make you feel terrible can be caused by anxiety but they can. It took me a long time to accept that but, once I did, I immediately started to feel better. The mind is a very powerful thing.

Take care

Pip xx