View Full Version : Prolonged mild anxiety with body dullness?

12-04-12, 16:36
I have had anxiety since about 2008 when my sister almost died, and then I started having panic attacks, and had to go on Paxil. It made it go away almost completely, but then over the past year and a half, I lost a lot of weight and weaned off the medication.

I was fine, until I got a back problem, and then my brain started thinking it was all kinds of terrible things. The worst part came when I was totally convinced (because my whole abdomen and pelvic regions were numb) that I had a spinal problem and that none of the feeling would ever come back.

I had at that time what I can only describe as a panic attack for my nervous system - I didn't get the typical heavy chest, heart attack like symptoms, but my whole body quit feeling things for about 20 minutes - I couldn't feel people touching me, hot/cold, couldn't taste...really anything. It was extremely scary.

I went to the hospital shortly after, for the original numbness. They did MRIs of my entire spine and found nothing. Afterward my doc put me back on the anxiety meds.

That was a month ago, and it has done the same as it used to - I don't obsess and think about things like I did when I was off the meds. So, that part is good.

And while a lot of the feeling I was losing came back over the next week or two, I still have a kind of body "dullness". It is very hard to describe, but my whole body, particularly my thighs, legs and my feet - but the rest of me, too - feel like they are just dull, as though, if I bump into something, it's like all the feeling isn't quite there. I can notice it particularly when I am cold (which is often)... it's like I can feel I am cold, but it doesn't feel like "normal".

Has anyone else experienced anything like this? And for so long (it's been over a month now) - and can anxiety last that long, even when there are few other symptoms of it?


12-04-12, 16:44
Sorry to say Hun...anxiety can be with you for life...once you've become in anxiety mindset I would say its not easy to get out...I've had HA now for 2 years...and for me it's got worse than better.

I have been on 2 meds which I had terrible side effects so now I'm on nothing....

My health has been up and down since December so my anxiety is at it's worse point at the min....

Your leg numbness? I've experienced something very similar...I woke one morning to find from waist down I couldn't feel anything...my legs were tingling, feet cold...couldn't walk properly...I tried urinating and couldn't even push it out lol...if you know what I mean,....I thought I was going to die and had a full blown panic attack.

Your meds may contribute to the way you feel....or it may just be the anxiety. Remember some medication SSRI's can take weeks to stabalise in your body....


12-04-12, 16:54
Thanks for the reply!

I know anxiety and/or hypochondria is something I will have to deal with forever... but, since the same medication worked last time 2008, and kept me having no panic attacks for 3 plus years. I thought when I went back on it, it would still work.

And in many respects it is working - like I said, it is fixing the overly obsessing (I am still worried about my health, but just in general I don't spend all day thinking about it, or being depressed about it like I was before I went back on it).

So, I guess my question is... can the medication fix this part, but not the other part? I have almost none of the symptoms I originally got with my anxiety (which were horrible panic attacks, shallow breathing, tingling).
Though, I have noticed at night sometimes I wake up startled and I do sweat excessively some nights... maybe it is happening at night?

This time it is just the altered sensation in my body... I can still feel pin prick everywhere, and pain, and touch, etc... things just don't feel quite "normal" ever since that "nervous system panic attack."

It was March 6 that I went back on the medication... so I would think it would be in my system by now...

Thanks again!

13-04-12, 05:02
Anyone else experience anything like this?